Friday, June 13, 2014



How can I say what you mean to me,
How can I sing my song.
Of your love and devotion,
Even when I�d done something wrong.

So like our Heavenly Father,
So quick to forget and forgive,
You loved me so, in spite of myself,
You taught me how to live.

Sometimes you would discipline,
But for my only good.
And tell me I could be like Christ,
If I only would.

Ask Him to come into my heart,
And be my dearest friend,
That He would see me through my trials,
And guide me to the end.

You told me how He died for me,
And for my ugly sin,
That He would love me, no matter what,
He saw only the good within.

So my lovely, loving Dad,
I give to you this rhyme,
I�ll love you all the days of my life
And to the end of time.

I pray to God each day and night
And give thanks that He would decree
That a man such as you would be my Dad,
With love beyond degree.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Do You Make Your Daddy Proud

Do You Make Your Daddy Proud

Little boy, little girl, I'm sittin' here an' thinkin' loud,
In the choices of your day
Do you make your daddy proud?
At night when you lay down to rest
Does contentment fill your breast?
To know that what your hands have done
Would please a man to call you 'son'

Little man, little woman, I'm just kinda thinkin' here,
As you lay down to rest at night
Is your mind and conscience clear?
In the actions you have done
Would dad be proud to call you 'son'?
If Someone watched you, little lad,
Would you make your Father glad?

Young man, young lady, I'm sittin' here an' thinkin' loud,
As you rise to face the day
Won't you make your father proud?
Is your spirit kind and true?
Would your dad be proud of you?
An' I'm not talkin' foolish pride
But the honorable kind deep down inside

Little boy, little girl, I'm sittin' here an' thinkin' loud,
If you wish to give dad joy
Live to make your Father proud,
Then you can look him in the eye,
Stand straight an' tall with chin held high
To know the deeds which you have done
Would make him proud to call you 'son'

Daddy dear, daddy dear, I'm sittin' here an' thinkin' loud,
If  they followed you today,
Daddy, would you make them proud?
Would their hearts swell in their chests
To know for sure their dad's the best?
And would it make them proud and glad
To tell their buddies 'that's my dad'?!
Oh, an' never let them hang their heads,
Ashamed to whisper, that's my dad
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Father and child

Father and child

I remember the day
the day you were born
Through the gates of Heaven
I could hear the angel's horn
as you came out of the darkness
a world that's always night
And you breathed, and you cried
and you reached for the light
And from that very first day
I've tried to make you understand
that never will I leave you
I will always hold your hand

I watched you die that day
and then I watched you live
and I knew in my heart
there's nothing I wouldn't give
to take you home someday
someday very soon
and I made you a promise
on that cold afternoon
I promised if you fell again
I would always help you stand
and wherever you went
I would always hold your hand

So now here you are, child
so deep in my heart
and I knew this day was coming
from the very start
From when I first held you
and gave you your name
An eternity went by
before you actually came
Well before you were born
this moment was planned
that I, your Lord and Savior
would be holding your hand
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Ticket To Heaven

Ticket To Heaven

I'm a citizen of heaven,
got my passport in my hand
and one day I'm going to go
to the promised land.

My name is in the book of life,
I know God's written it down
and I can hardly wait . . .
till my feet hit the ground.

Jesus is making my room ready,
and there will be an open door
inside of it there's gonna be
all my treasures He has stored.

My ticket is in my pocket,
it says I am heaven bound
but until I finally take off
I gotta keep my mind sound.

I need to keep my faith strong,
keep my eyes looking forward
so that there won't be anything
that will catch me off my guard.

You see, I got me a reservation,
in a mansion, I am going to stay
and nothing gonna keep me . . .
from that Promised Day!
“ In my Father’s house are many mansions:
   if it were not so , I would have told 
   you I go to prepare a place you ,
   I will  come again  and  receive  you unto
   myself , that where I am , there ye may be
John  14 : 2-3
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, June 10, 2014



Walls of gems and pearls and gold,
Gates which seal a truth untold,
Angels that doth guard the doors,
Leading to eternal cores-

Heaven in it's mightiness,
My dream, desire, I confess!
The songs of praise, they fill my ears,
And fill my eyes with guilty tears.

My heart, it beats of love for Him,
The Mighty One who fills to brim,
Every empty cup of gloom
With peace, to rescue us from doom.

Dwells He, in that glorious home,
And sits upon the highest throne.
Surrounding Him, the angels sing,
"He is the Everlasting King!"

Tranquility fills the air
Of heaven- knoweth not, despair,
The souls of peaceful, righteous ones,
Who've lived to, this great kingdom, come.

There, the King, He bears a crown,
Of gold and silver, gems surround.
Oh! What a sight, I wish to see,
A place where I would love to be!

My Savior, He awaits at shore,
And points towards the open doors
And calls to me, to faith, receive,
And in His promise, to believe.

That's the heaven in my dreams,
Although so very far it seems,
A day shall come when I shall reach
The shores of heaven, all redeemed!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Monday, June 9, 2014

Lighthouse, Lead Me Home

Lighthouse, Lead Me Home

The beams reach out into the night
And drive the darkness away.
That old lighthouse shines so bright,
So sailors won't go astray.

The fog rolls onto the peaceful shore,
Trying to hide the light
That beams as it always did before
From the faithful lighthouse site.

Fog can't swallow that brilliant light.
No, not one little beam.
Its rays reach out into the night.
In radiance, it throws a gleam.

It's there to guide a sailor so weary
To the shore from a sea so vast,
From a long voyage, sometimes dreary,
But the light points him home at last.

The light of Jesus reaches wide and far
To drive the darkness of sin away.
His love reaches beyond the highest star.
He finds the sheep who's gone astray.

The Devil, like fog, may try to dim
And hide the light so great,
But the light of Jesus outshines him,
And defeat is the Devil's fate.

The Light guides a Christian who's weary
Sailing the sea of life so vast.
The Light can swallow trials so dreary
And point a Christian home at last!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !