Saturday, November 10, 2018


While I stood in the midst that final day
and held a handkerchief of linen white,
His form moved past me as I knelt to pray.

Daylight was masked by ebony and grey
and yet I kept his movement in my sight,
while I stood in the midst that final day.

His garments, torn and tattered, soiled and frayed,
hung loosely; He appeared devoid of fright,
His form moved past me as I knelt to pray.

Cries of lament were heard; yet, none would say
He was the Christ, our Savior and the Light,
while I stood in the midst that final day.

Though obstacles were cast into His way,
He trudged along the path; refused to fight,
His form moved past me as I knelt to pray.

I moved to wipe His brow without delay,
His imprint cast forever, sanguine bright.
While I stood in the midst that final day,
His form moved past me as I knelt to pray.
1 Timothy 6:11-13
But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses. I give thee charge in the sight of God, who quickeneth all things, and before Christ Jesus, who before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession; That thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ:

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Thanks To All Our Veterans

Thanks To All Our Veterans

Many veterans have served our nation
On the land, in the air, and on sea.
They served overseas in foreign lands
And at home in the land of the free.

My thanks to all our dear veterans
For serving our dear country so well.
Many of you served us in harm's way,
Experiencing horrors too hard to tell.

Some were tortured in prison camps
And endured pain so difficult to bear,
And your horrible memories linger on,
Even though you are no longer there.

Honor is due to all our dear veterans
Who made so many sacrifices in life
To serve on various foreign bases
Leaving behind kids, husband, or wife.

Let us display Old Glory proudly
As we observe this national holiday,
For surely veterans are due our honor,
And for our nation, let us pray.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018



I am grateful for His Plan 
So awesome to behold 
Taking me from the sinking sand 
Into His loving mould

I am grateful for His Hand 
Constantly there to hold
Holding me up to stand 
Facing the fire and cold 

I am grateful for His Grace 
Nothing is there to fear
No matter what I face 
I know that He is near

Live With No Regrets

Live With No Regrets

"I will never forgive you,"
Are words that can break the heart,
Can sow seeds of bitterness,
And tear each other apart.

The unkind acts that we do,
And hurtful words that we say;
Will end the best of friendships,
If not resolved right away.

On the cross at Calvary,
Christ spoke to His Father above.
He said, "Father, forgive them."
What unconditional love!

When we are asked to forgive,
May we show God's love and mercy.
"I forgive you", deeply meant,
Brings healing for you and me.

If we forgive our debtors,
God will forgive us our debts.
When we do as God commands,
We will live with no regrets.

Monday, November 5, 2018

God Is Who He Says He Is

God Is Who He Says He Is

God is my Rock
On which I stand. 
He saved my soul;
I'm safe in His hand.

He is my Light
That guides my way.
He directs my path
Each and every day.

He is my Fortress,
In Him I can hide.
I feel secure;
In Him I abide.

He is my joy,
When I'm in sorrow.
He is with me,
Today and tomorrow.

He is my strength,
When I am weak.
He can be found,
When Him I seek.

He is my Lord,
Savior, and King.
He's my all in all,
My everything.
Isaiah 55:6 -Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: