Friday, September 28, 2018

When I Lean (My Prayer)

When I Lean (My Prayer)

Father Your Word says
My life is but a vapor,
Your mercy, Your grace, Your love
I, so long to savor.

Lord, You're as awesome
As the bright morning sun
For Lord...You've said

Father God, I am forgiven
And Lord, I'm free,
I will be with you
For all of eternity.

To learn God,
On you I need to lean
To trust You wholeheartedly
Is harder than it seems

But Lord, with all things
I can do, in You that strengthens me
In You, Lord, I know
You will catch me...


Tuesday, September 25, 2018

If It Be God's Will

If It Be God's Will

If we ask in faith
then we must believe
if it be God’s will . . .
our requests we’ll receive.

If we ask in faith,
and put aside our doubt
if it be God’s will . . .
our pleas He’ll carry out.

If we ask in faith,
without any hesitation
if it be God’s will . . .
He’ll bless our supplication.

If we ask in faith,
and not have any distrust
if it be God’s will . . .
our prayers He’ll grant us.

If we ask in faith,
if it be God’s will . . .
then our requests to Him
He will indeed fulfill!
James 1:6

“But let him ask in faith,
nothing wavering.
For he that wavereth
is like a wave
of the sea driven
with the wind and tossed.”

Do Not Touch

Do Not Touch

Life is about do's and don'ts
And oh how I wish I had
Then tears fall hopelessly
Makes a heart heavy and sad.

We worry then fret the future
But God planned the now
Even the worst of sinners
Will fall before Him and bow.

Do not touch the worry
For one thing that is certain
God has written every line
Of the story behind the curtain.

Gentle laughter fills the air
Where sorrow cannot be found
Inexplicable joy will come
Embracing without a sound.

A lake of endless wonder
Our tears have set the stage
Your story pours from His heart
People gather of every age.

Do not touch the worry
Before you loved ones stand
God the Father invited them
See the ticket in their hand?

The curtain begins to open
Then every eye you meet
Stunned by the knowledge
That God had saved their seat.

Now the standing ovation
He loves us oh so much
His words speaking tenderly
The worry, "Do Not Touch."

Monday, September 24, 2018

Heaven Holds Many of Mine

Heaven Holds Many of Mine

Life can surely be exquisite
If you breathe, breathe Him in
Peace, peace unfathomable comes
No room, no room for sin.

Surrendering every single thought
The Holy Spirit will draw near
Then fill you so completely
Conquering every imagined fear.

But one, a fear of mortals
That brings a heartfelt sigh
When God comes to claim one
Tears fall down as we cry.

The most pondered question comes
Why did my loved one have to die?
Knowing Heaven opens the door
Still, there is the thought, why?

Heaven holds many of mine
Thoughts of them fill my head
But I know, I know I am going 
For this is what God said.

"I will never forsake you"
To Christians He gives a sign
Let Me come inside your heart
Then forever you are Mine.

Heaven holds many of mine
Someday my loved ones I'll see
For His promise is eternal life
With Him exalted and free.
1st Thessalonians 4:13
"But I do not want you to be ignorant brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus."