Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Despair to Peace

Despair to Peace

Do you ever feel rather lost and alone?
Family and friends living lives of their own,
That no one knows what you're going through,
Whether real or imagined, it seems real to you?

Life can be hard with it bruises and blows,
And you've tried hard not to let them show.
But there's hope if you're feeling down in this way
For God gave you a gift you can receive today.

God said He would never leave you alone.
So He sent His Son, Jesus, from His heavenly throne,
To come here and provide salvation for your soul
And take the fragments of your life and make you whole.

There's only one way to go from despair to peace
And that's by asking Jesus into your heart for release
From the guilt of your sins you've committed against Him,
So the gift of His Spirit can freely come in.

God's gift of salvation can mend any heart,
And your outlook on life will have a fresh start.
He'll wrap you in warmth and in His arms you'll know
His love is forever, and He will never let you go.

Surely As the Sun

Surely As the Sun

Surely as the sun does rise

I will lift up mine eyes

To the one who rescues me.

Surely as the sun goes down

I will bear a golden crown

For the one who ransomed me.

Surely I will always sing

To my Father Lord and King

He is alive and lives in me.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah,

My God and King

Lamb that was slain for me

So I could be set free

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah,

Holy Lord!

Monday, July 17, 2017

Alive, I'm Alive

Alive, I'm Alive


Alive, I'm alive,
dead to transgression and sin
I'm alive, I'm reborn
now that Jesus lives within.

I'm alive, I'm flourishing,
I'm eternally bound
I'm alive, I've been lost
But, now I'm thankfully found.

I'm alive, I'm at peace,
in Jesus, I am forgiven
I'm alive, forever more
A new life I've been given.

I'm alive, I'm thriving,
His Spirit is breathing in me
I'm alive, everlastingly blessed
now that Jesus has set me free.

Alive, I'm alive,
by grace and grace alone
I'm alive, and I'm waiting
for, Jesus to take me home!
Luke 15:32

"It was right that we should make merry 
and be glad, for your brother was dead 
and is alive again, and was lost and 
is found.'"