Thursday, January 1, 2015

Shout The Good News!

Shout The Good News!

In silent fields lay tired sheep
Cared for by tired men,
Who searched dark skies for answers;
A reason to face day again.

Then from the Halls of Heaven
Bright Angels came into view:
"Be not afraid! God's own Son
Has been sent to you!"

Then myriads of angels sang
Praises to God above,
Who gave to all mankind below
The Son of His great love.

Why is it today, on weary earth,
Some leaders think it wrong,
That we, who love The Christ,
Can't share the Angel's song?

Shout out a "Merry Christmas!
Jesus is born! Hear the Angels sing."
And lift your eyes to gaze in awe
Upon Christ--our precious KING!
Jan bagwell
God Bless !