Friday, November 6, 2015

Spiritual Fruit

Spiritual Fruit

The fruits of the Spirit are given to us
By our Father from Heaven above
And through the Spirit of Christ Himself
He gave us the fruit of love

On this tree grows spiritual fruit
Such as joy that we can feel each day
He gives us peace and patience
But this tree has much more to say

There is kindness, goodness and faithfulness
That grows on this heavenly tree
They can change our lives right before our eyes
Not just for us, but for all to see

Then there's gentleness and self control
These fruits can be hard to bear
But because of the gift God gave to us
These things we all can share

Thank you Lord for this tree of life
That comes in this spiritual form
For without these fruits life can be real cold
But with them our lives feel warm.
Jan  Bagwell
God  Bless !

Thursday, November 5, 2015



Every time the gospel of the kingdom is preached for a witness, the end time draws a little more near,
So we must preach the gospel with words and deeds three-hundred and sixty-five days a year.

Heavenly Father, remind us to bear witness of the great Light, as Jesus' soon coming draws near.
Help us to exercise our faith in You, as the Holy Spirit draws to us a precious heart that is dear.

Help us to remember to smile and to show kindness to everyone we see today,
So that when people see our walk, they can say that we are walking the right way.

Oh Holy Spirit, guide us as we go into the field today to tell someone the words of God, words that they need to hear,
While preparing their hearts to receive God's word, while calming ours and their fears.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Prayer for Forgiveness and Guidance

Prayer for Forgiveness and Guidance

Dear Father,

I'm sorry Father God that I let my emotions get in the way
I let myself become overwhelmed in the problems of the day
Instead of seeking your wisdom and advice
I allowed Satan and circumstances, my feelings to entice

I behaved very badly and became victim to my own deceitful heart
I know when it speaks to me, I must pray to you from the start
I most humbly pray for the future guidance that I need
And ask that you grant me your wisdom and I allow you to lead

I ask that you forgive me for my shortcomings of the week
Your guidance, love, and wisdom are all that I ever need to seek
Please envelop me in your loving arms of comfort and peace
And grant me your strength and mercy that bring such sweet release

Your  child
Jan bagwell
God Bless

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Trenches

The Trenches

Unless I'm in the dirty trenches
Sharing in the toil and stenches,
I should never cast a stone
At the one down there alone,
Unless I've walked with him awhile,
Wept his tears and shared his smiles,
Pushed against misfortunes wind,
Shouldered burdens of his kind,
Unless I've borne his bitter fate
And fought his battles, small or great,
I should not have a word to say
Unless of course, it is to pray

Love is for the weak and brave,
Not the crest of some great wave,
Love seeks out the lonely face,
Searches in the dreary place,
And it never casts a rock
Into the trench where weary walk,
Love is gentle, love is kind,
Love to differences is blind,
Love does not seek out its own,
Or worship heroes on a throne,
So if love's not my driving force
I should be still, and pray, of course
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless

Monday, November 2, 2015



When I was young,
I often clung,
to many little things.
I'd reach up high,
again retie,
my mama's apron strings.

I sometimes did,
what mom forbid,
although she'd make it clear.
Thoughts still linger.
I remember,
through each fleeting year.

Acquainted still,
her stories thrill,
with many left untold.
I can't go back,
though mem-ries track,
to years I'd rather hold.

I'm lost in thought,
it can't be caught,
despite my futile search -
mama singing,
mama bringing,
this small boy to church.

Though I was touched,
and changed so much,
through Christ, the perfect One -
I cannot stay,
time slips away,
from all that she had done.

I try to grasp,
and hands I clasp,
around those many things -
but mem-ry strands,
slip through my hands -
just like those apron strings.

I miss her so.
Emotions show.
There's moistness in my eyes.
I can't withhold,
though I am old,
my oft guilt-ridden cries.

Though sometimes sad,
I'm always glad,
whenever I think of -
my mama's cares,
my mama's prayers,
and her most precious love.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless