Thursday, July 24, 2014

Let God use you

Let God use you

Let God Use You

Her color is diff'rent,
Her ways strange to you.
You do not include her,
In things that you do.

But did you ever think
That she's feeling alone,
Would love tea and cookies
And visit your home?

She may not be your friend, 
But how are friends made?
By taking the first step,
And not being afraid.

It may take her a while
To warm up to you,
She may have good reason
For being aloof.

It could be she's strugg'ling
With things that corrode,
But just let God use you
To lighten the load.

Be God's hand, and reach out,
Be God face, and smile.
You may make a good friend
In a little while.

And she may just see God,
In things that you do.
And finally reach out,
To accept Him, too.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Beneath His Willow Tree

Beneath His Willow Tree

So tell me, does God understand,
and can He really see,
a weary widow on this bench
beneath His willow tree?

There were parents busy with,
their children running free,
but no one noticed I sat here
beneath His willow tree.

Of all the people in the park,
I thought of only me.
Could no one know my broken heart
beneath His willow tree?

My husband's recent passing adds
one more bad memory,
to all my pile of heartaches here
beneath His willow tree.

"Please take away my loneliness."
I prayed, "May sorrow flee" -
but felt my tear start rolling down,
beneath His willow tree.

I prayed for one small miracle,
just one drop from His sea -
then found a peace not felt before,
beneath His willow tree.

As Jesus kissed my tear away,
I noticed lovingly,
another weary woman rest,
beneath His willow tree.

And then she shared her loneliness.
A new friend she would be.
We talked and laughed and opened up
beneath His willow tree.

The sun came out and brightened us,
as we sipped green iced tea -
and reminisced together here
beneath His willow tree.

So tell me, does God understand,
and can He really see,
a weary widow on this bench
beneath His willow tree?
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
I wrote this  for  Widow friend of  mind   and she said it help , I hope it help you . .

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

How Can I Be Happy

How Can I Be Happy

Do I need a big black car
To make me feel content?
Do I need that diamond ring
Would that be money well spent?

Do I need a house on a hill
To bring joy to my life?
Do I need that perfect pet
Will that quench this world's strife?

What is it that makes me happy?
What puts a smile on my face?
What gets me out of bed each day?
Sadness you ask, not a trace!

My life is not my own anymore
Joy grew as I gave up reigns
As Holy Spirit guides my steps
From anger and hate I refrain

I dropped the pain and resentment
It's in my heart He lives
Real bliss comes from inside of me
And all my sins he forgives
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
 I pray that you will make a decision today to sow seeds of love, patience, and truth. My friend, you will reap what you sow—there is no escaping this eternal principle. People need you to make an eternal difference in their lives. Take the time to plant seeds of righteousness, and you will reap a harvest of eternal rewards.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

My Anchor, My Hope

My Anchor, My Hope

Father, tether me to the Anchor,
where I can put my trust
tie me tightly to the Rock
so my faith won't get crushed.

Securely fasten me,
to the reason for my hope
may the fibers of Your grace
be the strength, to help me cope.

Father, tether me to the Anchor,
who will hear my daily prayers
to the One who will shelter me
while taking away my cares.

Bring me safely to the shore,
when floating out to sea
let the Holy Spirit direct
and constantly guide me.

Father, tether me to the Anchor,
the Savior of my soul
give to Him, in my life . . .
complete power and control!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Good and Faithful Friends

Good and Faithful Friends

No words adorned the papers here.
So full, the ink well was.
The quill had waited silently.
The reason? Well, because.

The poems that this poet writes
are few and far between,
and many are the paper sheets
with rhyming yet unseen.

The window sash was raised a bit
allowing breezes in,
that brought to life my little desk
and stirred my thoughts within.

A wisp of air caught paper's edge
and seemed to make it say,
"Oh, please don't sit there all alone.
Let's write of God today."

The puff of breeze caught feathered pen
and drew some ink up too.
God's spirit seized my timid hand
and started something new.

The soft, round curved calligraphy
brought energetic drive
to everything inside that room
and all had came alive.

His Word brings life to everything,
but only if it's read.
for into us, God breathes His truth.
Without Him, all is dead.

God's spirit moves the dust of earth
and draws us to His light.
His Word begins to stir us up.
His spirit makes us write.

God gives us paper, ink  in a pin
and all the truth He sends,
for He has given to us all,
these good and faithful friends.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !