Friday, April 6, 2012

Sufficient Grace

Sufficient Grace

Read 2 Corinthians 12:2–10
Release the idea that contentment requires comfort. Contentment is possible no matter how dire your circumstances. While under house arrest, Paul wrote, “I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:11-13). There it is again. Did you see it? The secret to Paul’s contentment was knowing Christ’s strength was perfected in his weakness. He really got it . . . and what a liberating concept it became!
Suffering is a delicate subject. It’s not easy to address because I realize I’m writing to people who have known a depth of suffering to which I have never gone. In no way do I wish to give the impression that I am a model of how to go through it. To be honest with you, I fail in my responses to adversity more than I succeed. It’s a lot easier to write a chapter on it than it is to model those things that look good in print. Along with the occasional pity parties I throw for myself, my heart is occasionally broken, and my spirit takes a tumble. So if that is your experience today, I can identify with that.
My desire is for you and me, together, to claim grace and cultivate grit in the midst of our suffering—like Paul. And in the process to wean ourselves from the rabid pursuit of happiness so prevalent in our culture. Happiness is a byproduct of contentment. Once Paul discovered that, he lived it. I’m not fully there yet. Most likely, neither are you. And so, we press on together, growing and learning, reminding ourselves that He must increase, and we must decrease.
Next time you hear a knock at the back door, before you open it, repeat these words to yourself: “His grace is sufficient for me.”
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Christ Of Calvary And the Empty Tomb

The Christ Of Calvary And the Empty Tomb

They led a Man to the judgment hall
alone . His friends fled away .
He faced the taunts of the howling mob
As He suffered in silence that day .
Then bearing His cross He climbed a hill
To die there for you and for me .
But none of the hands of that rabble mob
Helped Him bear His Calvary .

Then down from the cross His body they took
And in sorrow they bore it away ,
To place it within a rich man’s grave ,
And their hearts were too anguish to pray .
In the hour of His need they failed the Lord ,
How bitter their torment must be .
But now their hands reached up to lift
Him down from His Calvary.

But the grief of their sorrow changed to joy
With the word that an angel brought ,
“Seek not in the grave for One who lives ,
For salvation’s work has been wrought.”
The lives of His friends were changed that day ,
From fear they now were free ,
And the rest of their lives they gladly gave
In sharing His Calvary .

I , too , to the cross of my Lord would come
And confess all my falling and fears ,
And ask for grace to follow Him on
Where He leads me , down through the years .
I’ll lift up the hands of my heart to Him
And share in His hands of love
Will share all His glory with me .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!

The Christ Of Calvary And the Empty Tomb

The Christ Of Calvary And the Empty Tomb

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

He Arose

He Arose
Very early in the morning
Before the break of day ,
The morning star shone on the tomb ,
Where our dear Saviour lay .

The earth was clothed with darkness;
The shadows had not fled ,
The city slumbered on that morn –
They thought that He was dead .

It still was dark when He arose
And stepped forth from the grave ,
The victor over sin , and death
With power your soul to save .

So shall it be when He returns
And calls His own to rise ;
While this old world is sleeping still ,
We’ll meet Him in the skies .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What Has Been Is What Will Be {part 2 }

What Has Been Is What Will Be {part 2 }
But like the wind it will return
To keep reminding me
That everything that has been
Is what again will be ,
For there is nothing that is new
Beneath God’s timeless sun ,
And present ,past , and future
Are all molded into one .
And east and west and north and south
The same wind keeps on blowing ,
While rivers run on endlessly
Yet the sea’s not overflowing .
And the restless , unknown longing
Of my searching soul won’t cease
Until God comes in glory
And my soul at last finds peace .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
This poem came into parts . Part of it last night and part of it today .

Monday, April 2, 2012

What Has Been Is What Will Be

What Has Been Is What Will Be

Today my soul is reaching out
For something that’s unknown,
I cannot grasp or fathom it
For it’s known to God alone .
I cannot hold or harness it
Or put it into form ,
For it’s as uncontrollable
As the wind before the storm.
I know not where it came from
Or whither it will go,
For it’s as inexplicable
As the restless winds that blow .
And like the wind it too will pass
And leave nothing more behind
Than the memory of a mystery
That blew across my mind .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !