Friday, August 9, 2013

The Glory of Creation

The Glory of Creation

There's a glory of the sun and moon,
And of every twinkling star,
Declaring the wondrous love of God
From His mighty throne afar.
Each beam brightly flickering forth
Proclaims His glory and grace,
Reaching deep within the soul
Lighting the darkest place.
The glorious beauty of a sunrise
Engulfs the heart in rapture,
And the radiant glow of a sunset...
No artist's brush can capture.
Whenever we look toward heaven,
The magnificent sea, or land,
We stand in awe of majestic splendor
Created by God's own hand.
Each and every creature included-
Beautiful by His design,
Having a glory all their own...
No poet can define.
Praise God for The Glory of Creation-
The bodies that are terrestrial,
But most of all for the Glory of Christ,
And new creatures in Him celestial. 

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The love I saw in Heaven

"The Love I Saw In Heaven"

The love I saw in heaven,
an unusual sight to see.
Since my birth on earth,
my focus was on me.

But when I got to heaven,
self was no concern.
Giving was the focus,
a secret I quickly learned.

The love I saw in heaven,
not seen on earth today.
For everyone up here,
kept giving themselves away.

They love the joy of giving,
to give and give some more.
No thought or sign of return,
no one was keeping score.

No thought of get receive,
no thought or care for self.
Just give to help another,
just give 'till nothing's left.

They gave in joyous ways,
they gave with gifts surprise.
They gave because they could,
they gave because it's wise.

The more they gave away,
the more they'd finally get.
The love just kept on flowing,
no one would stop or quit.

The secret to heaven's love,
growing stronger every day.
Is to find the different ways,
to give yourself away!

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
I would to leave you with a prayer today !

May God's Kingdom Come

Heavenly Father, You are good.
I come with love and gratitude.
Thank You for the blessings you give,
Thank You for freedom of mind,
Thank You for the gift of today-
With opportunities to serve,
And to make the world better.
May I show my gratitude
By a life of obedience.
Let my work be in joy and faith.
Help me to live by convictions
And not by other's opinions.
Lord, free those who are oppressed;
Destroy those chains of heart and soul,
Shelter the fearful in Your arms,
Destroy things that harm your children,
Aid those who are in mortal need,
Show Your love to the lonely ones,
Comfort those who are forgotten,
Show Your light to the discouraged,
Deliver your children from sin,
And remove its scars from our hearts.
May Your joy and peace rule all hearts.
Guide all men to lives of love.
May we all lift our hands to serve
Each other's best and God's glory.
Bring Your Kingdom soon to the earth
Through the labors of godly men.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Rain Of God

The Rain Of God

Lord, you send the rain,
Giving water to the church,
To wash us and to cleanse us,
To quench our endless thirst

The rain that falls on us
Is often what we're needing,
To refresh us and restore us,
A time of awesome blessing

For often we may feel
That we are in a drought,
In need of refreshing waters
When we are running out

For with the rain of God
Comes the growth that we need
And life springs forth from it
Just like a little seed

For if we don't have rain,
How can our spirits grow
And flourish to produce
The crop that God has sowed?

So rain on us, dear God,
Draw us deep into your spring,
So our thirst can be satisfied
When we come and freely drink.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

His Kingdom Yet To Come "

His Kingdom Yet To Come"

This poem's about His kingdom,
His kingdom soon be done.
His perfect private kingdom,
His kingdom yet to come.

A place within His heart,
a place He'll soon prepare.
As Father for His own,
with tenderness of care.

He'll open up His heart,
share all that is within.
Give and give some more,
and then He'll give again.

For hidden in His heart,
His new world will begin.
Made only for His family,
they'll live inside within.

They'll march into His heart,
receive them one-by-one.
With fullness of His joy,
His kingdom will be done!

Sealed and safe inside Him,
no harm can enter in.
They'll stay inside forever,
they'll never go out again.

It started as a promise,
He made within Himself.
A secret perfect plan,
He told to no one else.

His plan to love and grow,
at start He saw the end.
He'll move from love to love.
out-do Himself again.

He had a secret vision,
of kingdom yet to come.
A picture in His mind,
He'll work and pattern from.

A masterpiece He'll weave,
He'll use the thread of life.
He'll use the loom of wisdom,
His vision brought delight!

A vision of His future,
a vision of His Sons.
A vision of new life,
of kingdom yet to come.

A new way He'll be happy,
a new way He can give.
A new way He can love,
a new place He can live.

His peaceful secret paradise,
a splendid beautiful place.
His newly heaven kingdom,
a sacred Holy space.

The temple of His love,
a place He'll live abide.
A Holy family kingdom,
with only love inside.

A kingdom for His people,
a kingdom that won't end.
A kingdom full of joy,
where nothing will offend.

A kingdom for His Sons,
their glory can't be known.
They'll rule along beside Him,
a kingdom full of thrones.

A kingdom to be inherited,
a kingdom gift as prize.
A kingdom to be divided,
but doesn't shrink in size.

A kingdom full of life,
for death has passed away.
A kingdom without time,
there is no night or day.

A kingdom full of light,
no darkness can be found.
His glory is so bright,
it blazes all around.

A kingdom full of beauty,
a kingdom that's ornate.
A kingdom full of mansions,
a lavish rich estate.

A kingdom full of treasure,
His fruit of Holy vine.
Storehouse of His harvest,
abundance by design.

A kingdom full of power,
established by His might.
A kingdom of great cities,
His glory gives the light.

His kingdom yet to come,
a new and perfect land.
A peaceful Holy kingdom,
that's guaranteed to stand.

When His kingdom's finished,
His new world will begin.
He'll greet His priestly kings,
they're gladly welcomed in.

When His kingdom's finished,
His new world will begin.
His people cheer with joy,
no eye will tear again.

When His kingdom's finished,
His new world will begin.
All mysteries then revealed,
all secrets come to end.

When His kingdom's finished,
His new world will begin.
Old things will pass away,
farewell to earth and sin.

When His kingdom's finished,
His new world will begin.
A world of perfect splendor,
the best life's ever been.

For hidden in His heart,
His new world will begin.
Made only for His family,
they'll live inside within.

His place is near prepared,
historic promised land.
His kingdom almost finished,
His kingdom is at hand.

His peaceful secret paradise,
His kingdom soon be done.
His perfect private kingdom,
His kingdom yet to come.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Monday, August 5, 2013

I shall not pass this way again

I shall not pass this way again--
Although it bordered be with flowers,
Although I rest in fragrant bowers,
And hear the singing
Of song-birds winging
To highest heaven their gladsome flight;
Though moons are full and stars are bright,
And winds and waves are softly sighing,
While leafy trees make low replying;
Though voices clear in joyous strain
Repeat a jubilant refrain;
Though rising suns their radiance throw
On summer's green and winter's snow,
In such rare splendor that my heart
Would ache from scenes like these to part;
Though beauties heighten,
And life-lights brighten,
And joys proceed from every pain,--
I shall not pass this way again.

Then let me pluck the flowers that blow,
And let me listen as I go
To music rare
That fills the air;
And let hereafter
Songs and laughter
Fill every pause along the way;
And to my spirit let me say:
"O soul, be happy; soon 'tis trod,
The path made thus for thee by God.
Be happy, thou, and bless His name
By whom such marvelous beauty came."
And let no chance by me be lost
To kindness show at any cost.
I shall not pass this way again;
Then let me now relive some pain,
Remove some barrier from the road,
Or brighten some one's heavy load;
A helping hand to his one lend,
Then turn some other to befriend.

O God, forgive
That now I live
As if I might, sometimes, return
To bless the weary ones that yearn
For help and comfort every day,--
For there be such along the way.
O God, forgive that I have seen
The beauty only, have not been
Awake to sorrow such as this;
That I have drunk the cup of bliss
Remembering not that those there be
Who drink the dregs of misery.

I love the beauty of the scene,
Would roam again o'er fields so green;
But since I may not, let me spend
My strength for others to the end,--
For those who tread on rock and stone,
And bear their burdens all alone,
Who loiter not in leafy bowers,
Nor hear the birds nor pluck the flowers.
A larger kindness give to me,
A deeper love and sympathy;
Then, O, one day
May someone say--
Remembering a lessened pain--
"Would he could pass this way again."
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !