Thursday, July 27, 2017

At His Feet

At His Feet

Oh, that I might lie with him,
My face upon his breast,
Hear the heartbeat of my love,
Cheek pressed against his chest.

With ev'ry beat of his heart
He speaks of sovereign grace.
Growing closer to my love
As I seek his precious face.

He tells me of the treasures, 
Riches stored in the darkness
And with intimate love songs,
Whispers to me in his fullness.

Devotion overwhelms me 
I here singing in my heart.
Praise goes forth to my Savior
From my innermost parts.

As my love for him endeavors
To seek his precious face,
I'm intrigued by gifts of fullness
Overwhelmed by love and grace.

A still, small voice whispers,
Speaking within my inner ear
The secret revelations
That my heart longed to hear.

He spoke amicable love songs,
'Came a cradle to comfort me,
While we both shared together
His intimate secrecies.

He enlightened my yearning heart.
As unity took its place,
Revelations new to me,
Adoration upon his face.

He has made known to me 
The pathway for the weak.
As I bowed before him,
Laid prostrate at his feet.

With every beat of his heart
The worship began to flow.
His passion overwhelmed me
Reaching the depths of my soul.

I've encountered supernaturally
The love songs from my Lord
List'ning to the rare heart beat
Of his precious, holy words.

I've come to take my place
In my Lord's sweet retreat.
Where I can kneel before him
Spend time at his precious feet.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

To Bliss or Woe a Soul Must Go

To Bliss or Woe a Soul Must Go

Have you ever sat and wondered;
Seriously thought on; pondered
What awaits our souls immortal
Beyond death's veiled, obscure portal?
We've one life only; then we die -
Reincarnation is a lie.

Heaven and hell truly exist -
God's Word is crystal clear on this.
One is Above and one below;
To bliss or woe a soul must go.
Once the silver cord is cut
The way back is forever shut.

Those trav'ling on the broader way
Will find that they have debts to pay.
Satan will claim them as his own -
In utter darkness they'll be thrown;
A fiery pit most foul and deep
Where they will gnash their teeth and weep.

Those following the narrow Way
Will have no debt at all to pay
Since Jesus Christ has done so in our stead
When He hung upon the Cross and bled.
We are the branches; He's the Vine
Who bought us with His Blood divine

If Christ our Saviour we hold dear
Death and beyond we need not fear;
He saved us from the flames infernal
Loves us - gives us life eternal.
He will claim us as His own
And give us heaven as our home.

Holy Spirit Power

Holy Spirit Power

Let me tell you about the Spirit of Power
sent from the Father and Son one fine hour

when women and men were gathered in prayer
one hundred and twenty were said to be there

a loud rushing wind announcing His coming
then tongues of hot fire to get them all humming

in languages heard by citizens gathered
from dozens of countries where Jews had been scattered

which spoke of the greatness of God now proclaiming
what is this new wonder they all were exclaiming

so Peter got up to explain this strange show
and talked about Jesus beginning with Joel

who said that our God would pour out His Spirit
with visions and dreams so lost men would hear it

proclaimed to the ends of a very big earth
that Jesus has died so all could have worth

and the good news for us who sit here and read
is that Spirit still moves in power and deed

giving gifts to all people reborn in Christ Jesus
to build up the church and not just to please us

although some indeed do comfort our soul
to mold us and form us so we will be whole

and these we call fruits like love, peace and joy
or patience, long-suffering and others, oh boy!

yet now we must mention to build up the body
apostles and prophets and teachers not shoddy

and even today greater works we will see
with miracles, healing and wonders for thee

divine words of knowledge and wisdom are shared
tongues with interpretation also are paired

which calls for discernment a most vital gift
what spirit or prophetic word it must sift

and last but not least for our private prayers
the Spirit with tongues of languages shares

when our understanding falters and fails
and we groan to the Father not knowing details

I've prayed in this way for forty-five years
seen people healed and delivered from fears

opened the Word setting my heart afire
all this and much more for you my desire