Thursday, January 19, 2017

The finer things

The finer things

God allows people in our lives for various reasons,
Sometimes they come and go, just like the seasons.
There are friends whose words really make our day,
There are those who really don't have much to say,
But you have chose the finer things.

Words spoken in love seem to always have a place,
While thoughtless remarks seem to bring disgrace.
We have a choice in the words that we say,
Whether to darken or brighten someone's day,
But you have chose the finer things.

Your words of encouragement have brightened many a day,
Your Godly wisdom, love and caring always shows the way.
Your words give comfort as you share them from your heart,
It's hard to express my thanks, or even know where to start,
For you have chose the finer things.

Yes, friends may come, while other friends may go,
But, now there is one thing I'm sure I know.
My God has blessed me with such a precious friend,
I'll always cherish that honor to the very end,
For I have chose the finer things.
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The Highest Privilege

The Highest Privilege

In this place of highest privilege,
Where by our faith we stand,
We look forward by his grace with joy
To being all He planned. 

And though there will be testings,
Or problems great and small,
We know He's working for our good,
So in His Name we stand tall.

Problems come and problems go
That's what life is all about.
But one day there'll be gone for good,
And we'll sing and praise and shout.

Then one day He will call us
To come home and be with Him.
We will lay down all our burdens,
Leave this world of hate and sin.

As we stand at heaven's portals,
And the gates are open wide,
What a wonderful reunion
With those we've long had said 'goodbye'.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

No more parting, tears or sickness
No more pain or lonely days,
Just one endless day of glory
Just one endless day of praise.

Monday, January 16, 2017



With God by my side and in my mind, the world's problems are smaller,
Causing my thoughts to be somewhat purer, for pure is their Installer.
God can surely change the world, beginning in the heart and in the mind,
Whenever a person gives their life to him and leaves the old one behind.

The world's stress is powerful and deadly without the right helping hand,
Many have tried it in the past and have found themselves on sinking sand.
Some who were considered to be brilliant in the eyes of their fellow man,
Yet they too succumbed as the pressure was greater than they could stand.

I'm certain that God has never left me and am satisfied that He never will,
Although there are times I stumble and fail, I know that He loves me still.
He knows that for as long as I'm in the flesh, there are mistakes I'll make,
Then Jesus tells Him that this is one that on the cross, his place I did take.

This world's problems will continue to grow and cause stress, if you allow,
The only way to prevent this is by going to God and let Him show you how.
With your thoughts centered around Him, that stress load becomes lighter,
When He is walking by your side, the journey through life will be brighter.
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless