Friday, May 24, 2019

Just One

Just One

I’m craving something yummy.
I’m craving something sweet,
I long to fill my tummy
With tantalizing treat.

Been feeling rather gloomy,
In need of having fun,
That’s when the cookies drew me;
So might I have just one?

I taste the choc’late flavor
And relish as I chew
The sweetness that I savor,
Just maybe I’ll eat two.

I see my hand is reaching
And I won’t disagree;
So with my conscience screeching,
I’m taking number three.

Ignoring consequences,
I yearn to have one more.
Rejecting common senses,
I reach for number four.

And still another’s calling,
Regardless how I strive.
My weakness is appalling,
I yield to number five.

I know how I’m behaving
But would it be a sin,
If in my endless craving
I end up eating ten?

Then comes the guilty feeling;
Of course, I’m asking, “Why?”
This treat that’s so appealing
Will never satisfy.

So what if I eat twenty?
I’m sure to overstuff.
Would ever I have plenty
Or could there be enough?

No matter what I’m eating;
Just one or twenty-four,
The satisfaction’s fleeting,
I’m always wanting more.

And so it goes with sinning;
For just like my dessert,
We think in the beginning
Just one will never hurt . . .

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Every Step

Every Step

I trust only in Thee 
All else, I let be
Let Your Will be in me 
Ever so clearly 

Direct my every step 
Light the paths for me 
Let every single step 
Bring glory to Thee

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The Flower of Grace

The Flower of Grace

Grace is a flower that I love to smell,
Because of its power I am not in hell,
Upon its rich fragrance I love to dwell,
I cannot get too much of grace. 

I hold this dear flower, its beauty so great,
It has a sweet savor that does not abate, 
Its manifold colors are rich to this date, 
I love to learn more about grace. 

The pedals are lovely, sparkling with dew,
All shades of glory, and more than a few, 
So many blessings to my soul accrue, 
Just fixing my heart upon grace. 

Grace in the morning, in the afternoon, 
It is never too late, it is never too soon, 
To take up the flower and enjoy its boon, 
And have my heart blessed by this grace. 

I hold to it dearly, yes my grip is tight, 
I pull it closely with never a fright, 
No thorns to prick me my blessings to blight, 
I never shall grow tired of grace. 

So come to the garden (the Bible) with speed, 
You will find grace flowers and plenty of seed, 
They grow all around you when Scripture you read, 
You too can be filled by His grace.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

If Not For the Silence

If Not For the Silence

If not for the silence I could not rejoice, 
So much in the solace of hearing his voice. 
If not for the pain that befalls in this land, 
I could not fully know his comforting hand. 

If not for the depth of sorrow profound, 
Hope could not rise; it could hardly abound. 
If not for the aching losses and strife, 
Never would Jesus have been my whole life. 

If not for bereavement my heart would not long; 
My desire for heaven would not be so strong. 
If not for the failure, success would become,
A god on its own, as it has done with some. 

If not for the doubt that has oft plagued my mind, 
My faith would be shallow; it would have declined. 
If not for addiction (that bondage so cruel) 
I would not value liberty under his rule. 

God has been working, sometimes in the dark. 
The flint stone of hardship has given the spark. 
The spark may become a bright towering flame. 
A faith that is tested shall not be ashamed.
Luke 10: 38-42

Sunday, May 19, 2019

When My People Pray

When My People Pray

When my people pray
They practice what I say
I’m glorified that day
When my people pray

In humility
My will, my people see
Deliverer I’ll be
But for humility

When they seek my face
I’ll offer them my grace
Give strength to run the race
When they shall seek my face

By turning from their sin
My healing will begin
To cleanse the land they’re in
By turning from their sin

When heaven hears the sound
That prayers are being found
With answers they rebound
When heaven hears the sound

And all this since my name
Forever shall remain
A glorious refrain 
All this is for my name