Thursday, January 5, 2017

Faith for the Climb

Faith for the Climb

Dark clouds are forming once again
To hide the lofty mountain top
And as I climb its timbered slope, 
I feel a tiny, falling drop.

The rain has come to raid my hope
Of finding refuge from the storm.
Yet as I scale the mountain's height,
Sweet words of scripture start to form.

The Word of God reveals insight;
Gives wisdom and encouragement
As those dark clouds up in the sky
Soon fail in their discouragement.

Oh look upon the mountain high
And know our hope is not from there
And lift your hands in joyful praise
Because our God is everywhere!

He watches us throughout our days
And comforts us within the night;
He will not slumber, will not sleep,
For we are lovely in His sight.

The One who calls from deep to deep
Firmly stands before the door
And we are safe within His keep
Both now and then forevermore.
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The Glory Light

The Glory Light

Saul of Tarsus started to Damascus
To see the high priest to get letters.
He wanted to arrest more Christians
And bring them to Jerusalem in fetters.

Suddenly a light from Heaven above
Shone brightly about him all around.
"Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me,"
He heard after he fell to the ground.

"Who art Thou, Lord?" Saul asked.
"I am Jesus. Thou persecuted Me.
It's hard for you to kick against the pricks."
Then Saul was led, for he could not see.

"What will Thou have me to do, Lord?"
Saul asked Jesus, the Savior so dear.
"Just arise and go to the city, Saul.
What you shall do will be made clear."

Saul became an apostle of Christ.
His name was changed from Saul.
He became a preacher of the Gospel,
And his name was changed to Paul.

A glory light shining from Heaven
May not shine down on me or you,
But just as Jesus came to save Paul,
He came to seek and save us too.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Monday, January 2, 2017

The Thunderbolt of Fear

The Thunderbolt of Fear

The thunderbolt of fear,
frightens and horrifies
until panic sets in
and the soul it terrifies.

It moves ever quickly,
through our worried minds
then it settles in
when our weakness, it finds.

Fears jolting boom,
is felt deep in the heart
then the resounding dread
in our soul beings to start.

It freezes and it seizes,
our feet to the floor
as soon as we hear
it's rumbling, cracking roar.

But fear can be conquered,
when at first you hear it's clap
take your worries to the Lord
and lay your trust in His lap!
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless 
Psalm 56:3
King James Version

"What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee."

The Glory Light

The Glory Light

Saul of Tarsus started to Damascus
To see the high priest to get letters.
He wanted to arrest more Christians
And bring them to Jerusalem in fetters.

Suddenly a light from Heaven above
Shone brightly about him all around.
"Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me,"
He heard after he fell to the ground.

"Who art Thou, Lord?" Saul asked.
"I am Jesus. Thou persecuted Me.
It's hard for you to kick against the pricks."
Then Saul was led, for he could not see.

"What will Thou have me to do, Lord?"
Saul asked Jesus, the Savior so dear.
"Just arise and go to the city, Saul.
What you shall do will be made clear."

Saul became an apostle of Christ.
His name was changed from Saul.
He became a preacher of the Gospel,
And his name was changed to Paul.

A glory light shining from Heaven
May not shine down on me or you,
But just as Jesus came to save Paul,
He came to seek and save us too.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless