Friday, March 29, 2019

The Judas Way

The Judas Way

For many miles I walked alongside Him
but the things that He said I could not take in.
Too indifferent to follow or obey,
though so close to Him I drifted away.

“How much is it worth?” to the priests I said.
“Just how much will you pay to see Him dead?”
Thirty pieces of silver. The deal was done.
Thirty pieces of silver to kill God’s Son.

The price was agreed and the money paid.
Off I went for there were plans to be made.
Then the time came, it was too good to miss,
and there in the garden I gave Him a kiss.

The deed done, I watched them take Him away
thirty silver pieces richer that day.
Then guilt and fear flooded into my mind
His blood was on me. No peace could I find

What have I done to the Lord Jesus Christ?
Because of my greed He’d be sacrificed.
Such remorse and guilt is too much for me
I will go and hang myself from a tree.
Psalm 20:7
King James Version

"Some trust in chariots, and some in
horses: but we will remember the name of
the Lord our God."

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Through Winds In Chime

Through Winds In Chime

Through life's tough test I did my best.
Some thought it odd I followed God,
but in His footsteps I found joy.

Please don't destroy, but do employ
the love of Christ and sacrifice -
for one day you will follow me.

In my steps be, just wait and see.
Your times are cast in ages past
in places that no longer thrill.

For it's God's will that waters still,
as deaths relate to Heaven's gate.
The case for all here by and by.

So do not cry or say good-bye.
For Heaven lives and Heaven gives!
So wonderful! Believe me now.

There is no cow, nor ox, nor sow.
No money lend, no work or end
and God's not penned His final rhyme.

For there's no time through winds in chime
o'er meadows green, where it's serene,
at that great place I've come to rest.
Through life's tough test, I did my best.
Some thought it odd I followed God,
but in His footsteps I found joy.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

My turn Now

My turn Now

Yesterday, it was today
Today, it is tomorrow
Always waiting for the day
A miracle heals sorrow

I’m waiting at the window
The window of my desire
Desire to see sweet changes
And freedom from what I tire

Sunrise once again brings forth
Dark clouds on my horizon
But I must press on, press through
These weary clouds to Zion

Eyes see what I see for now
Ears hear only this moment
My heart beats on, through Your touch
Amazing grace, love has sent

I know as I know what’s known
Each step a struggle in time
Waiting to hear ‘my turn now’
And heaven’s bells sweetly chime

Oh! Jesus, yes, here I am
Standing in the healing line
Please let your sweet virtue flow
Oh! Please, please let it be mine

I said ‘here I am, it’s me’
You said, ‘I asked who We’d send
Not for you; but for others
Yes, for those who couldn’t fend’

‘I’m so sorry Lord, forgive
Forgive my oft selfish heart
But I’ve read so many times
Healing virtue You impart’

‘Yes, my child, I do impart
But why, why would I impart
What’s already imparted?
It flowed from My broken heart’

‘I loved you, love you, and child
Child you’re forgiven, and healed
Look to the cross, I’m risen
Victory is won, and sealed’

‘Thank you Lord, I see, send me
Not for me; but for others
Your love it gives to embrace
Hearts of sisters and brothers’

Yes, it’s today, has it changed?
My vision of what is true
Sun is up, the clouds have gone
They’re there; but I can see You

I’ve been looking for healing
I’ve been looking for escape
Failed to see it’s before me
Healing words on me, You drape

You arose, I was set free
Free from hopelessness, and fear
You arose, my Love, Jesus
Healing in Your wings, it’s near

I’ve had my turn, I receive
There’s no need to keep searching
I receive all You freely gave
Freely, continuously

Oh! Lord, hold me, don’t let go
Oh! Lord, please help me to see
(Remove all non-heaven shades)
The Truth, truth that makes me free

Your word is so beautiful
Your word is heaven’s delight
Your word brings new life, and love
I surrender, You ignite

Oh! Lord, I receive...

Father You are Glorious

Father You are Glorious

Father you are glorious 
Your presence is all light 
Your kingdom is desirable 
Your laws are true and right 

Your saving love is wonderful 
Your mercy is supreme 
Your grace a fountain of true life 
An ever flowing stream 

Your name is so exalted 
Your wisdom is untraced 
Your justice is unsullied 
And Your truth is uneffaced

Your power is unparalleled 
Your knowledge is replete
Your providence victorious 
Your revelation sweet

No other can be like you 
Transcending time and space 
And None can separate us from 
Your infinite embrace

Monday, March 25, 2019

No Condemnation

No Condemnation

I came to Christ, I know I'm saved
There is no condemnation
To sin I am no more enslaved
Grace is my preservation

Sin’s punishment has been removed
By Christ’s great substitution
I trust the Son, God is behooved 
To grant me absolution

Sin’s power too was dealt a blow 
Its hold on me diminished
For Christ in me is strong I know 
By Him I am replenished

Sin’s presence, an unwelcome guest 
Perfection not yet rendered
Yet in His promise I can rest 
Though still by sin I’m hindered 

What blessed freedom I possess 
In Christ my holy Savior 
To heaven I have gained access 
By His perfect behavior

You too can come and rest in Him 
Escape the great infernal 
When earthly treasures have grown dim 
You’ll find His love eternal.