Friday, April 10, 2015



The Lord is my Savior,
what more do I need
when I am hungry
on His Word, I feed.

He renews my spirit,
in the verses I read
He calms my soul
when to His ways I heed.

Through I have troubles,
I have nothing to fear
for I know my Lord
will always be near.

He brings me relief,
when I lean on His promise
to lead me and guide me
out of the darkness.

He's preparing me a place,
with His blood I'm anointed
in Him, my joy overflows
I'll not be disappointed.

His justice and forgiveness,
in my heart I will store
until the day I meet Him
on heaven's shore.

The Lord is my Savior . . .
what more do I need!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!

Psalms 23

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Prayers are Answered Still

Prayers are Answered Still

Day by day she sits and waits
For a miracle she prays
Tears cascade and stain the page
Of the notebook she holds.

She touches his lifeless hand
Praying for the strength to stand
This life and fateful demand
And for what still unfolds.

Death threatens to leave a hole
Sobs shake her entire soul
She now has lost all control
She holds the urge to scream

She misses him so much
Misses his kiss and his touch
A glimpse of hope she does clutch
Not possible it will seem.

She kisses his troubled brow
Trying again to remember how
But it has escaped her now
The feeling in his arms.

Her tears fall upon his face
"Grant him, please Your healing grace
Meet us here in this lonely place,
Please silence these alarms."

"Nothing in life could prepare
The feeling of such despair.
God in Heaven, do you care?
I long for my best friend

"If you could grant me one more day
To tell all I have to say
Please God hear me as I pray
Give life to me again."

"End this heartache, end this pain
Send to us your healing rain
For my broken heart is slain
My faith is being tried."

"If your plan is here or there,
Please dear God hear my prayer
Grant an end to this despair
Oh God I will abide,

"Help this anger and this fear.
What is your plan for me here?
What to do is so unclear,
Please hold me to your side."

Still day by day she will wait
With just mustard grain of faith
For life to hand her its fate
Of what may be in store.

As she wipes her sorrow away
And she ends another day
Alone at night she'll stay
Just like the day before.

Then as night turns into day
God directs some light her way
Proof He hears her when she prays
A sparkle in his eyes!

Her lips once again are kissed
And words she has long since missed
In praise she does not resist
Thanks for prayer's replies!

Though the path may still be long
She has faith to remain strong
Her heart's resolved in love's song
As they continue up a hill.

She again kisses his brow
It is not so furrowed now
She thanks God for showing how
Prayers are answered still.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

14 Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 15 And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.
1 John 5:14-15 (NKJV)

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Hook, Line, Sinker

Hook, Line, Sinker

You’re either cold or hot there’s no one that knows but God and you?
Are you following Satan who uses sin for bait to entice one to pursue.
The turmoil of life that causes the swirling  to bother and upset.
Struggling in the current plunging here and there to escape and fret.
Pretend there’s nothing wrong but can taste the bait you see on the hook.
Then are caught up in longing for what you know is wrong in God’s book.

When you ask yourself, why? It’s temptation it’s better to not take heed.
There are warning signs but you did not listen because of worldly greed.
Perhaps skipping a service or two at church, found a reason not to go,
A couple of alibis such as I’ve somewhere else to go or an inflamed toe.
Now that you are caught realizing just how far you have drifted away;
Spent time running from God like Jonah who didn’t heed or obey.

You’re caught up in sin’s net without hope knowing that death is near.
Aha, says the master of deceit, I have a prize catch, on their face a sneer.
You forsook the savior who paid the cost to rescue your soul that’s neat.
They doesn’t care if you live or die, the Bible, was not true you’re in defeat.
There’s no way you’re going to survive I just don’t care if you live or die.
Why no one, not even me, cares for a worm, that’s what I see in my eyes.

It doesn’t show on the outside what you feel inside, so you hear the alarm.
Repeatedly, as you squirm in your seat trying to get free of the arm.
An awesome presence there that will not leave you where you are sitting.
Someone’s tugging on you can’t deal it no longer you feel like splitting.
Where you can’t wait one moment longer there you kneel with no pride.
While there your sins you cast aside, repent, and ask him in to abide..
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Psalm 47
 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.
 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.
Colossians 3 : 1-3

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Tulips & Roses

Tulips & Roses

Right under our noses
are tulips and roses.
There's no place that I'd rather be.
And if you come hither
you'll find they won't wither
for God surely loves you and me.

A rainbow of colors
are splattered on flowers
that all of creation can see.
And when they're a-blooming,
exquisite perfuming
enhances His paintings for me.

The world won't believe Him,
far out on their tree limb.
Opinions are having their say.
They make me so dizzy
because they're so busy
and can't find eternity's way.

I know you would rather
join with me and gather
up armfuls of rainbow's bouquets -
and inside His
enjoy His creating
the rest of eternity's days.

So join me and jump in-
to painting, born again,
where flowering landscapes are true.
Here living with respect
is Heavenly perfect
in vibrant and colorful hue.

Right under our noses
are tulips and roses.
There's no place that I'd rather be.
And if you come hither
you'll find they won't wither
for God really loves you and me,
for God really loves you and me.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Monday, April 6, 2015

Living For My Lord

Living For My Lord

I have told the Gospel story
To many children over the years.
Some seemed not to listen.
Some repented with bitter tears.

Sometimes I am tempted to say,
"One soul was saved, only one."
Then my Father gently reminds me.
"For that child I sent my only Son."

I keep singing the Gospel story.
Sometimes I hit a wrong chord,
But I have a song in my heart,
So I'll keep singing for my Lord.

I have prayed so many prayers
That got answers of plainly "no",
But I got so many "yes" answers,
That it pays to pray, I know.

For every good poem I write,
I write one that's not so fine,
But I'll keep writing about Jesus,
For I am His, and He is mine.

I'll keep living for my Lord,
For He has done so much for me,
Until the day He takes me home,
And His dear holy face I see.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !