Friday, March 6, 2009

Salvation By Grace

The year is 1748. A trading ship departs from an island off the west coast of Africa headed for England. Aboard is John Newton, a seaman with a reputation for profane language and ungodly living. As Newton later described it, the captain "would often tell me that to his grief he had a Jonah on board; that a curse attended me wherever I went, and that all the troubles he met with in the voyage were owing to his having taken me into the vessel."

The captain may have been right. Newton had earlier turned his back on God. But just as a storm had threatened to destroy the boat bearing Jonah, so too a fierce Atlantic wind rudely awakened John Newton. The vessel nearly broke apart. As the damaged ship drifted at sea, Newton prayed for God's mercy and put his faith in Jesus. That's how a blasphemous, disreputable seaman became, by God's grace, the godly penman of the words of the beloved hymn "Amazing Grace."

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Jesus ,the son of God

Jesus, the Son of God – Luke 22:66-71
Jesus called Himself both the Son of Man and the Son of God. The first title emphasized His humanity; the second, His deity. Christ is the only person in history who was both God and man. He left heaven and laid aside His divine glory. Philippians 2:6-7 says He clothed himself with humanity.

Who recognized Christ’s divine nature?

The angels knew of His divinity. At Christ’s birth, the angel Gabriel told Mary she would bear a child. His name would be the Son of God.

Of course, God the Father knew Jesus’ nature. When John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the Jordan River, the heavenly Father declared, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” Later, in Matthew 17:5, God affirmed this same truth and urged men and women to listen to Jesus.

Satan and his demons are aware of Jesus’ divinity. The Devil knew Jesus was God’s Son and challenged Him to use His supernatural powers to bypass God’s plan. In Luke chapter four, demons saw Jesus and shrieked that He was the Son of God.

When the disciples saw Jesus walk on water in the midst of the storm, they worshiped Him and realized He was the Son of God. In Matthew 16:16, Peter declared, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

Others knew Jesus’ divine nature too. When Christ brought Lazarus back to life, his sister Martha said, "Yes, Lord; I have believed that You are the Christ, the Son of God, even He who comes into the world."

The world needs to understand who Jesus is. What will you tell them?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Speak Up

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in…”

-Revelation 3:20

Many Christians in Germany knew that Hitler was evil, but they said nothing and did nothing. As a result, we know the result of the Second World War—it was the horrific events that went along with what we know as the Holocaust. I wonder if the church had said something and had been a voice in that culture, could it have made a difference?

While the church has a political and social responsibility, our primary responsibility is to glorify Jesus Christ and to worship Him. There are some that want to turn their churches into political machines, but that isn’t the primary purpose of the church. The fact is that we’re not Republicans or Democrats, but instead we’re just Christians. The purpose of the church of Christ is to keep our vision and focus on the Lord Jesus Christ.

I tell you this to say that we are still to be salt and light as the body of Christ in our communities. We are to have a prophetic voice in our culture and society. Unfortunately, you can go to many churches today and not even hear the name of Jesus mentioned in the sermon. There was a church, in the book of Revelation known as the church at Laodicea. In Revelation 3:20, Jesus is pictured standing and knocking at the door of the church.

Oftentimes, this text is used to invite people to Jesus Christ. He is portrayed as knocking at the door of one’s heart and they must welcome Him in. While this portrayal is true, this specific text shows that Christ is outside the church trying to get in. This is a picture, I believe, of this generation of churches. Jesus is shut out. The focus of any church that calls itself spiritual should be a Jesus-focused church where His name, His Word, His Gospel, His love, and His grace are proclaimed.

If we, as the people of God, do not speak from a biblical worldview about what the Bible says about how we are to live our lives then who on earth is going to speak? Who’s going to talk about these things? The church of Jesus Christ certainly has a responsibility in society to speak to the issues that confront us. We are to tell the culture of the Word of God and share Christ with those who are lost. I say again, if we don’t do it, who will?



Tuesday, March 3, 2009



Old and new are always relative terms, especially when an American visits Europe. For example, in Delft in the Netherlands there is a New church built in 1420! The new church was built on the site of the old church. The site for the old church was chosen for an odd reason. The land is swampy and swamp gas could sometimes be seen burning there. Those tiny lights were not scientifically understood at that time. They were taken to be divine. So they built the church, "Where the light from Heaven was seen."

The light from Heaven shines wherever people acknowledge the Christ who said, "I am the Light of the World." It is seen wherever people are enlightened by the Divine Word which reveals that Divine Christ.

Monday, March 2, 2009


And with many other words he testified and exhorted them, saying, “Be saved from this perverse generation.” Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them. And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. … And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved. --Acts 2:40-42, 47

I heard the story about a couple of brothers who were notorious reprobates. One of the brothers died, and the other went to the preacher and said, “There’s a thousand dollars in it for you if in the funeral service you will say my brother was a saint.”

The preacher said, “I’ll take that deal.” So when he went to speak at his service he stood up and said, “This man that we’re burying today was a liar, thief, drunkard, adulterer, blasphemer; but compared to his brother, he was a saint.”

You have to be very careful about comparing yourself to others. Likewise, the church of Jesus should be cautious in comparing itself to others except that Spirit-filled church of the New Testament. I’ve heard someone ask, “Can you be a Christian without the church?” Well, let me pose these questions: Can you be a bee without a beehive? Can you be a sailor without a ship? Can you be a parent without raising children?

God has called every believer to the church so that we might fellowship with one another and give glory to Him. There are three marks of a Spirit-filled church today according to the first-century church of the New Testament: the people are unified, the Savior is magnified, and the kingdom is multiplied.

When a church is filled with the Spirit, God can do great things just as He did in the first-century church. For in this Spirit-filled church, “the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.” This was purely the work of the Holy Spirit. Determine that you will not move from mission to moving to maintenance to mediocrity in your spiritual life. God forbid that we would ever stop being on mission as His church and people. Let’s go and tell the world about Jesus and bring them to salvation.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The 9-5 Window

Then Moses said to him, "If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?" (Exod. 33:15-16).

A few years ago, the "AD 2000" movement was a major emphasis in the church and had a goal of reaching the "10/40" window. This reference was related to the 10th parallel and the 40th parallel of the globe. It was determined that this was where the most people resided who had never heard the message of the gospel.

Today, there is a new move of God that is focused on the "9-5" window. This represents those who work?whether they are homemakers, construction workers, nurses, executives, Fortune 500 CEOs or pastors and vocational ministers. The one thing many of us have in common is that we work. However, the one thing most workers have failed to do is bring Jesus into their work lives. But, God is changing this.

God is helping workplace believers today understand the importance of bringing the presence of Jesus into their work lives so that He may be shared with those who have yet to receive salvation. God is calling us to move past "principle-based" living to "presence-based" living. It is only when we bring God's presence into our work lives that we see real transformation in us and others. It is the mission field of the 21st century?the "9-5" window. It is where more unsaved people live than the 10/40 window.

God is calling us to establish "church plants" into this new frontier that the church has failed to focus upon. The "Church" is a Church when two believers come together in the name of Jesus. It is not a building. It is a people. So today, bring the Church to the workplace by focusing your mission activity on the greatest mission field of the 21st century the 9-5 window.