Friday, January 23, 2015



The Lord is my Savior,
what more do I need
when I am hungry
on His Word, I feed.

He renews my spirit,
in the verses I read
He calms my soul
when to His ways I heed.

Through I have troubles,
I have nothing to fear
for I know my Lord
will always be near.

He brings me relief,
when I lean on His promise
to lead me and guide me
out of the darkness.

He's preparing me a place,
with His blood I'm anointed
in Him, my joy overflows
I'll not be disappointed.

His justice and forgiveness,
in my heart I will store
until the day I meet Him
on heaven's shore.

The Lord is my Savior . . .
what more do I need!
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless !
Psalms 23

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

How Sampat Bought A Building

How Sampat Bought A Building

Over in the country of India,
In that land so far away,
A devoted missionary ran a home
For orphaned boys to stay.

They simply called her "Auntie,"
An affectionate name so dear.
All of these boys loved Auntie.
She made them feel happy here.

Auntie housed these orphans
In a very humble little place,
But as their number increased,
She soon ran out of space.

There was a little three-year old.
Sampat was the boy's name.
He followed Auntie everywhere,
Singing as along he came.

"Joybells In My Heart," he sang.
For visitors, he sang it well.
One visitor gave him a small coin
For singing it so very swell.

Sampat treasured the little coin,
And he carried it all day.
Even when Sampat went to bed,
With him this coin did stay.

Sampat heard that a building
Was needed for more boys to stay.
He gave his precious coin to Jesus
To buy another building one day.

Auntie knew how Sampat treasured
That little coin so small.
She wrote back to America,
Telling Sampat's story to all.

One church wrote back saying,
"Send Sampat's coin so rare,
And we will send you money
To build a big building there."

Sampat's coin bought a building
To house more orphan boys,
And someone gave some money
To buy little Sampat some toys.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

His Altar Is Always Open

His Altar Is Always Open

When your world gets rocked and shaken down to its very core,
it’s nice to know your faith in God will lead you to a peaceful shore.

When the sky is full of gloom and all you can see are stormy seas,
it’s calming to know God will steer your life into a gentle breeze.

When a bad day gets the best of what’s left of your heart and soul,
it’s grand to know God will sit beside you with support and console.

When there is no drug that can ease the pain of your broken heart,
it’s comforting to know God will show you the way to a healing start.

When your world is caving in and you wonder how you’ll stay alive,
it’s reassuring to know God will give you His strength to survive.

When your demons take control and you are on the edge of defeat,
it’s wonderful to know God is on your team and He’s never been beat.

When you have lost your way and are depressed from going no where,
it’s good to know God will guide you with His vision and tender care.

When the lab results come back with nothing but dreadful news,
it’s encouraging to know God will send his best two angel crews.

When the roof of life comes off and debris flies in every direction,
it’s nice to know there is shelter under God’s wing for your protection.

When your finances have gone from bad to a stressful disaster,
it’s calming to know its only money and God is still your master.

When a dear friend or cherished loved one passes from your home,
it’s heartening to know God has a place for them by his throne.

When your child goes off to war to defend our liberty and peace,
it’s relieving to know God will be there to help the conflict to cease.

When your relationship to another takes a turn down a dark trail,
it’s good to know God’s love will light up a new path without fail.

When your home is attacked by fire, thief or scary stranger,
it’s reassuring to know God will guard you from any danger.

When your body is fighting a battle against sickness and disease,
it’s nice to know God will care for you and put your mind at ease.

When your ship is going down and life’s perils are crashing on you,
it’s comforting to know God will be there to safely anchor onto.

When you are drowning under the weight of misery and despair,
it’s soothing to know God will rescue you with a breath of fresh air.

When life’s tragic events each come knocking at your door,
it’s great to know God’s spoken word will save you once more.

When you hurt so badly inside from relentless stress and grief,
it’s nice to know God is only a prayer away with peaceful relief.

When there’s no one else between you and a distant setting sun,
pray to God as He will listen and answer your prayers one by one.
God’s waiting to hear from you, “His Altar is Always Open”.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, January 20, 2015



Took root, a little baby vine
had grown from tiny seed;
but it was insignificant,
so meaningless indeed.

Yet it drew our attention to
its cute, industrious scene';
and it seemed very harmless here
in suited leaves of green.

It hugged a tree so gracefully.
We thought we understood.
We thought it all so laudable.
We thought it all so good.

But was it we were taken in
by 'ends' we thought would be;
through 'means' by which it made its mark
upon one healthy tree?

That tree had given all it could.
"I welcome you," it said.
And so the vine continued up,
consuming tree... 'til dead.

Because of its misfortune here
our hill became abuzz.
Persuasive and invasive and
persistent it sure was.

But care? Oh, no. Us bothered? Not!
For we could never fall!
We each had thought us healthier
and stronger than them all.

Well, one by one our trees did fall.
Those vines grew larger still.
They grew the way they wanted to
while thieving our good will.

I should have stopped my little vine
that squeezed a bit too tight.
It's hug was a deceptive one
that never seemed quite right.

We all had thought that we were safe,
but we were 'taken in'.
Our hill of trees was killed off by
just one deceptive sin.

No, sometimes we can't "coexist"
when others want their say,
when others prove their disrespect,
when they demand 'their way'.

From cults to sick be-headings and
abortions, "right-to-die",
have we forgotten, God is Love?
The rest is all a lie!

We cannot 'coexist' with sin.
God's truth and life we need.
If Jesus lives within our hearts,
He kills that sinful seed.

We forest trees majestically
had stood atop that hill.
If only we'd been prudent and
been faithful to His will...

One Nation under God we were,
but we had thought it fine;
that we allow a monster here
from cute and tiny vine. 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Matthew 7 :15 {KJU] " Beware of false  prophets , which come to you in sheep's clothing , but unwarily
they are raving wolves ."

Monday, January 19, 2015

Life's Greatest Moment

Life's Greatest Moment

A life's greatest moment happens as Jesus
enters in and becomes it's centerpiece,
For then and only then will the pressures
from a life of sin begin to cease.
Deep down inside there is a sense of
freedom coming with each breath taken,
Because now God's the ruler of this life
and Satan is the one whose forsaken.

There's Light coming from this new life
as The Light of Life dwells within,
Replacing darkness that was there before,
shadowed by the ever presence of sin.
Allowing the outward appearance to bring
forth a love that flows up from the soul,
As this life moves forward in an attempt
to carry out God's plans for it's role.

Now then much wisdom will be needed, for
the truth is seen only by the wise,
Because so many times it's been hidden
behind some very clever disguise.
Then the only place where this wisdom is
found is in God's infallible word,
Here sixty six books have been written by
His writers of things seen and heard.

Indeed, this life's greatest moment came
as Jesus breathed new life in it's soul,
Yet from this point on, it will get even
better as it's entered to heaven's roll.
There to be rewarded with crowns earned
on earth as service to God was rendered,
Now the greatest eternal moment comes as
the gates of heaven are entered.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless 1