Friday, April 17, 2015

Life's Changes

Life's Changes

When our hopes and dreams are shattered
And they seem to be out of range
It's the ability to know what we need
In our lives to make a change.

We must find out what's important
Not what we want, but what we need
Our lives should be filled with love and joy
Not anger, lust or greed.

So fill your life with things that are new
And get rid of the bad and the old
'cause it's always hard to take criticism
Or to do what we are told.

But the change is deep within us
If we look we just might find
The key that unlocks the door to change
So we won't be left behind.

So when you let God change your life
Your life will
start to change you
And when it is all said and done
Your life's changes will be new.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Please Pray  for Mother {Hazel Bagwell ]  Sister Frankie  Wilson  Mother  {Irene Patton } and Brother Steve Lewis . Thank you  for reading my Blog  and Praying
John 3  : 16-17
6] For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
[17] For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

His Promises Never Change

His Promises Never Change

Here in our beloved nation,
Many changes are taking place.
People are uneasy and unsure
About the future they will face.

We worry about the price of gas
And our doctor bills and such,
And when we go to do our shopping,
Everything seems to cost too much.

Immoral behavior is widely accepted
In our ever changing society today.
Even some who have held to the faith
Have unfortunately gone astray.

When around us, chaos sadly reigns,
Christians can stedfastly endure.
God will supply our every need
Because His promises are very sure.

Jesus Christ, our Lord, is the same
Yesterday, today, and forever.
His Word still stands unchanged.
He never breaks promises! Never!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please Pray  for my Mother  and  Steve Lewis

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Not a word He said

Not a word He said

Before the Sanhedrin He spoke no word
and from His lips no sound was heard.
Silent as a mute not a word was said
as to the cruel cross Jesus was led.

His lips were hushed and from them came no sound
although in His defence nothing was found.
As a lamb before the shearer is dumb
so from His lips not a word was to come.

Angels awaited His commanding word,
but He did not speak and nothing they heard.
For only by silence and submission
was He to complete salvation’s mission.

Wordlessly before the rabble He stood
and only the sound of His quietness heard.
This silence, more powerful than a word
sounded so loud as though it had thundered.

Those gathered there did not understand
He kept so silent and did not reply.
Then, upon the cross His vigil He broke.
'Father, forgive them.' were the words He spoke.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please pray  for my  mother   and   Brother Steve

Tuesday, April 14, 2015



The fire has burned down
My Spirits feeling worn
I’m missing the passion
I have become lukewarm

Remind this weak spirit
Wash again over me
I want a fire again
A light for blind to see

Enemy throwing past
Making me feel so torn
When did this happen?
That I became lukewarm?

Grey skies are hovering
Hanging on top my head
Tired of the rainfall
Longing for sun instead

Spirit ignite fire
This feeble looking spark
I want to feel passion
That adds light to the dark

Take from me this flicker
This tiny light transform
Kindle my heart until
It’s no longer lukewarm
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Be in  Pray  for my mother she very sick

Monday, April 13, 2015

The Best Love Story

The Best Love Story

A love story not written,
with ink from a pen
but dripping with blood
to release all from sin.

The scarlet thread of love,
woven throughout history
reveals to all the world
salvation’s true mystery.

The design of redemption,
was always in God’s plan
it was the only way to show
His mercy, to all of man.

For, God knew our souls,
needed true deliverance
so His sent His Son, Jesus
to atone, for our ignorance.

Grace mixed with blood,
the day those nails were driven
making the death of Jesus . . .
the best love story ever written!

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
John 3:16
16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.