Friday, December 21, 2007

Oh Christmas Night Oh Christmas Night

Oh Christmas Night Oh Christmas Night

Oh Christmas night oh Christmas night
So quiet all and splendor
We celebrate Christ birth and might
With candle lights so tender
For on this night is born a king
The king of peace on earth
We glorify and humbly sing
About this child and holy birth

Oh Christmas night oh Christmas night
When night's around and dark
We find his love's a guiding light
And see his angels hark
We hope this time peace will bring
And guide our footsteps all
For he's the forth of everything
The protector of big and small

Oh Christmas night oh Christmas night
The spirits of love and greeting
When each love will burn on so bright
With kindness and good treating
We hope one day peace will arrive
For every life that's living
We must therefore still on strive
Remembering what Christmas is giving

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Blessed Acknowledgement

Blessed Acknowledgement

I acknowledged the Lord,
In all my ways.
Awaiting His permission each step.
His divine mercy and infinite grace,
Kept my every move in check.

I followed his advice,
Though mine seemed better.
Executing His every command.
He brought me through an empty ocean,
Removing sin’s every letter.

I obeyed Him in destitution,
Though disobedience seemed wiser.
God had the better option.
Taking the unpopular road,
I realised was a lot shorter.

Blessing after blessing,
A continual receiving,
As long as I consulted God.
He gave me the ultimate prize,
His constant presence and perfect guide!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

'The Blessed Hope

'The Blessed Hope'

The Blessed Hope!
Go to the Mountain Tops and Shout it Out!
We know with-out a shadow of doubt,
By God's Grace, We have The Blessed Hope!
What's it all about?
Whosoever Believes! Shall Be SAVED!
God gave His Son, JESUS is the Only One
Who's TRUE! For Me and You!
In-order to become BORN-AGAIN!
When You've become BORN-AGAIN,
You've Received the Forgiveness of your sins
With The Blessed Hope, Is so We can Cope
For All of Us! Whosoever Believes and Trusts
So, Don't be in a hurry or get discouraged
Hang onto The Blessed Hope!
We'll be with Our LORD In Eternity!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Annunciation of The Blessed Virgin

The Annunciation Of The Blessed Virgin

Oh! Thou who deign'st to sympathise
With all our frail and fleshly ties,
Maker yet Brother dear,
Forgive the too presumptuous thought,
If, calming wayward grief, I sought
To gaze on Thee too near.

Yet sure 'twas not presumption, Lord,
'Twas Thine own comfortable word
That made the lesson known:
Of all the dearest bonds we prove,
Thou countest sons and mothers' love
Most sacred, most Thine own.

When wandering here a little span,
Thou took'st on Thee to rescue man,
Thou had'st no earthly sire:
That wedded love we prize so dear,
As if our heaven and home were here,
It lit in Thee no fire.

On no sweet sister's faithful breast
Wouldst Thou Thine aching forehead rest,
On no kind brother lean:
But who, O perfect filial heart,
E'er did like Thee a true son's part,
Endearing, firm, serene?

Thou wept'st, meek maiden, mother mild,
Thou wept'st upon thy sinless Child,
Thy very heart was riven:
And yet, what mourning matron here
Would deem thy sorrows bought too dear
By all on this side Heaven?

A Son that never did amiss,
That never shamed His Mother's kiss,
Nor crossed her fondest prayer:
E'en from the tree He deigned to bow,
For her His agonised brow,
Her, His sole earthly care.

Ave Maria! blessed Maid!
Lily of Eden's fragrant shade,
Who can express the love
That nurtured thee so pure and sweet,
Making thy heart a shelter meet
For Jesus' holy dove?

Ave Maria! Mother blest,
To whom, caressing and caressed,
Clings the eternal Child;
Favoured beyond Archangels' dream,
When first on Thee with tenderest gleam
Thy new-born Saviour smiled:-

Ave Maria! thou whose name
All but adoring love may claim,
Yet may we reach thy shrine;
For He, thy Son and Saviour, vows
To crown all lowly lofty brows
With love and joy like thine.

Blessed is the womb that bare Him--blessed
The bosom where His lips were pressed,
But rather blessed are they
Who hear His word and keep it well,
The living homes where Christ shall dwell,
And never pass away.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Blessed or Lucky

Blessed Or Lucky

Are you blessed or are you lucky?
When good things happen to you,
Does it really matter if there’s a difference?
As long as it goes through.

Have you ever seen someone do something stupid?
And say “that idiot” when they had to pay,
Only to remember when you did it,
Freely you had gotten away.

Was there ever a time you had too much to drink?
Under the influence and you couldn’t think?
Deciding to hit the road anyway,
Still can’t remember making it to the next day?

Reading the paper about these games people play,
Killing and injuring those who were in their way,
Shame, regret and sadness, hands covering the face,
Dear God, if I could only take the dead person’s place?

Yes, it could have been you,
Making the local and headline news,
With everyone saying “what a fool”,
What gives them the right to make hateful reviews?

Maybe thinking twice before you say?
What they could or shouldn’t have been doing that day,
How you’re glad you’ve never acted that way,
Instead of getting on your knees to give thanks and pray.

How often do you feel superior and overlook?
You should be the star of that negative book,
Reflecting on the bad things in your life you’ve done,
Wouldn’t doing them the right way have been just as much fun?

Now, you don’t have to look back with a tear in your eye,
Somberly saying if only I…
Do you really believe you’ve made it on your own?
Escaping time after time while being alone?

Don’t wait till you’ve come to the end of your rope,
While your soul is laid to rest,
To ask yourself this final question,
Am I lucky or am I blessed?

[Please I know when this Poem or song came to me it was for somebody ,Do not let that somebody, be you .] Jan bagwell 12\17/07 God Bless you!!