Saturday, August 25, 2018

The Fathers Shoes

The Fathers Shoes

The Fathers shoes are big, and wide
we slip our tiny feet inside
We try to walk, and we fall down
then skin our knee upon the ground

The Father holds out His helping hand
We give Him ours so we can stand
They're not for you these shoes of mine
you'll fit your own when it is time

He goes to the closet and says with a stare
these are the shoes that you need to wear
But after awhile we want our own choice
so we just disregard the sound of His voice

We run to the store and buy a few pair
One's we think would be cheerful to wear
But after awhile inside those new shoes
our feet are so heavy we barely can move

So we run to the closet and see them old shoes
We take out a pair, we have nothing to loose
We see in the shoes then fell on our knees
A label when read said, Jesus wore these

We gather the shoes with no label inside
bring them outdoors and cast then aside
Now every time we put on some shoes
we'll know, our Savior wore them too!

Wednesday, August 22, 2018



Lord, please send a revival to the U.S. of A.
It's time for all Christians to get on your knees and pray
This country needs your help, Lord, to get back on its feet
Without you in our life we really can't compete
The struggles of this day and age are difficult at best
We need you here to lead us so we can be our best
What once was known as the American dream
Has been turned into the All About Me scheme
Our government no longer works for the people
Their attempts at leadership are at best feeble
God has been removed as the leader of our nation
Stripped away from the core of our very foundation
God has been asked to stay away from our schools
That there's no place for Him where government rules
We're told that we can't be biased toward Christian truths
That we can't be influencing other non believing youths
We're being asked to take Christ out of the Christmas season
It's discrimination toward all who don't believe He's the reason
Filth and immorality are common throughout the land
We the Christians in this country have let things get out of hand
Differences in believers and non are becoming difficult to see
Translation of the Holy Word is not always as it should be
Many churches have become more of a social network
Sometimes in all their activities, God they do shirk
If we continue on this path, this country will end in destruction
It's time for Christians here to do some reconstruction

Jesus is the vine, and we are the branches, apart from Him we are nothing
Please won't you join me and pray to end this nation's suffering?
Pray that the people will hunger for God's Word
And that the voice of the Christian in this nation will be heard!

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Treasures from Heaven

Treasures from Heaven

I see across my lake of life,
Its stormy winds and waves of strife.
My sin brought shame to me alone.
What penance was there that could atone?

God so infinite, I grieved Him so.
Yet love was given, He did bestow,
The Son a gift, my treasure that could,
Cover my sin, His death, He would.

His blood when spilled, that righteous flow,
It paid my debt that I did owe.
Unworthy am I as one to be saved,
Eternally worthy, my debt He paid.

Gifts of “light”, new heart and love,
From Son, and Spirit - my heavenly dove.
The Father’s grace now covers my shame,
That pieced the heart of He who came.

These treasures given by hearts of love, 
I don’t deserve from Ones above.
Yet heaven the promise and glory to come,
By Father, Son and Spirit they’re from.

Monday, August 20, 2018

To The End

To The End

The Lord is my God,
from beginning to end
His love and mercy
are around every bend.

No matter where I go,
or whatever I do . . .
His grace is before me
it always shines through.

He is always with me,
I know that He cares
and all of my worries
I know that He bears.

When first I met Him,
I knew I was in love
for His goodness fits
my heart like a glove.

I'll never leave Him,
I'll follow Him to the end
for I have never found
a better helper or friend!
Psalm 54:4
King James Version

"Behold, God is mine helper: the Lord is 
with them that uphold my soul."
Thank you for  Pray from all my Friends  on my  recent medical  problems  .
Jan Bagwell