Friday, August 23, 2013

How to Believe In God's Sovereignty Without being a Fatalist Jan Bagwell

How to Believe In God's Sovereignty Without being a Fatalist

Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !

There is a long-standing debate between those who believe in man's free will and those who say that God's sovereignty disposes of man's free will. The “free will” side rightly emphasizes man's responsibility and accountability before God, yet often they tend to reduce God to the role of bystander or observer who is “ready to help” but in the end is really powerless against the real power—man.
On the other hand, the “sovereignty” side rightly emphasizes God's sovereignty and power over His creation, yet often they tend to use this to justify their sin by casting all responsibility upon God for their actions. Another way this can affect people is to paralyze them into doing nothing on the grounds that “God is doing it all.”
Each side of the debate emphasizes different parts of Scripture, and each side has its truth. The problem is that many have too much truth on one side or the other of the issue, which makes their view unbalanced. The solution is to believe both that God is sovereign and that man has been given authority in the earth. These are not mutually exclusive ideas. To be “sovereign” does NOT mean that God is inherently all-powerful, but for some reason is not allowed to use that power in the earth without man's “free-will” consent. On the other hand, man's authority is NOT the same as “free will,” although many have confused the two and have tried to prove “free will” by pointing to Scriptures that establish man's authority. Only sovereignty has free will. Authority is limited.
It is my hope and purpose to bring people to a closer balance in understanding how God's sovereignty and man's authority operate at the same time. This, in turn, could help resolve some of the long-standing doctrinal disputes between the two sides, as well as help people get a clearer perspective of God's ability to accomplish His purposes for the earth—and for each person as an individual.

Scriptures Supporting Each Side

We do not propose to write an exhaustive study listing all of the verses that affirm God's sovereignty or man's authority to make choices. We intend only to give some examples that are commonly quoted. Those who affirm God's sovereignty point to passages such as Isaiah 45:5-7 (NASB),
5 I am the Lord, and there is no other; Besides Me there is no God; I will gird you, though you have not known Me; 6 That men may know from the rising to the setting of the sun that there is no one besides Me. I am the Lord, and there is no other, 7 The One forming light and creating darkness, causing well-being and creating calamity [Heb. ra, “bad, evil”]; I am the Lord who does all these.
Here we read that God creates evil, such as when God brings judgment upon a nation or a city for its sin. God takes full credit for it. Amos 3:6, says fur

Thursday, August 22, 2013

I'll Leave It in His Hands

I'll Leave It IN HIS Hands

I'll Leave It In His Hands

I stood beside the graveside
Of a dear departed friend.
I found it hard to understand
The way she met her end.

Why did she choose suicide
As a way to end it all,
When she had a loving Savior
Upon whom she could call?

Who am I to be her judge?
I know she was in pain.
Cancer had taken its toll,
And her health began to wane.

She robbed me of a chance
To see her and say,"Goodbye."
"I know she hated goodbyes,"
I said as I continued to cry.

Jesus knows all about it.
Our grief, He understands.
I'll look to Him for comfort
And leave it in His hands. 
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless!
Goodbye  Donna my Firend

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

He Never Changes

He Never Changes

By faith we are called
By men we are lulled
By faith we believed
By men we are deceived.

By faith we will live
But not all will give
By faith we will die
But many will deny.

By faith we are found
By men we are bound
By faith we are consumed
By men we are doomed.

By faith we are freed
But still there is need
By faith we will cope
But in God we will hope.

By faith we will sigh
By faith not know why
By faith we will see
By faith, this is He.

By faith take His hand
But in faith live His plan
By faith life rearranges
But, He never changes. 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
 The Neighborhood church
Sunday 9.30 am
Pastor David Bagwell , Come here this God anointed Minister. And be Blessed
5075 calhoun Memorial highway, Easley, South Carolina 29640,
The Neighborhood Church
If you need a Church ? Please give us a try . God is blessing us , many have been Saved and Baptize . There no better joy in life than leading a person to the Lord and watching them grow . Let all get together and win the world to Jesus Christ !

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Waking Up

Jan Bagwell God Bless

Monday, August 19, 2013

Jesus the soul rest

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

I gave myself to Jesus
    In my sunny childhood's years,
When on my young, unsullied cheek
    There lay no trace of tears;
I little knew what gift I gave,
    Nor yet what gift I took;
For life without and life within
    Were each a sealed-up book.

But soon enough unfolding years
    Brought sorrow, toil, and pain,--
Brought disappointment's burning tears,
    And yearnings wild and vain;
And then I learned what precious Gift
    In Jesus I received
In that still hour of childish trust,
    When my young heart believed.

'Twas then I knew what arm unseen
    Was round me 'mid the strife,
The blighted hope, the toil uncheered,
    The cold, rude storms of life;
And when the reeds on which I leaned
    All failed me one by one,
I clasped my pierced and bleeding hands,
    And wept, but not alone.

For He was near me midst the strife,
    And, leaning on His arm,
I trod the thorny paths of life,
    Safe sheltered from all harm;
The while He whispered to my heart,
    "I gave my life for thee!
Then, heavy laden as thou art,
    Cast all thy care on me!"

"On me! ON ME!"--oh, gentle word!--
    O Sympathy divine!--
O Fount of joy, how deeply stirred,
    Within this heart of mine!--
O cool, sweet Waters, how ye stilled
    The fever of my brain,--
And soothed the heart-strings that had thrilled
    With agonizing pain!

My own,--My Rock!--the heavy tide
    May beat in uproar dread,
Calmly 'gainst its unmoving side
    I rest my weary head;--
For well I know how deep it strikes
    Beneath the raging flood--
My Soul's firm Anchor 'mid the strife,
    My Refuge and my God!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Prayer List ! David Bagwell , Jan Bagwell , Hazel Bagwell , J.D. Holliday , The Neightborhood Church ,Frankie Wilson Patton , Betty Flody { Frankie Step mother } Mary Phillips { Mary Carpenter }. Billy Phillips , Scott Bagwell , Emily Bagwell