Friday, January 24, 2020

Despair Not

Despair Not

Hearts, do not despair in your sorrow.
Beware in your sorrow of sinning.
Hope from God’s promises tomorrow;
For death is for life the beginning.

Bodies that are shrouded in mourning;
Emblems of hope that are not spoken;
The garland, the caskets’ adorning;
And death’s power is ever broken.

A dearly Beloved One has left us;
Though He will not leave us forsaken.
God, in His Wisdom, confounded us;
Now we know the dead will awaken.

When dawn comes, the glorious ‘morrow;
A glorified form shall be given.
This body that we view back with sorrow,
Returned His Life to Heaven.

The seed that in springtime was planted;
A measure of sunshine and showers;
Hiding in the ugly dirt-filled ground;
Now, springs into beautiful flowers.

A gift to the churchyard we enter;
Returning our clay to its’ Maker;
As dust to dust we will surrender;
As we lay to rest in God’s acres.

Our souls who in our bodies abide;
Our souls that had longed for salvation;
Now, our souls who in Jesus confides;
Finally, finding hope’s consummation.

Earth, we now consign to your keeping;
In peace to await resurrection
This body with sorrow and weeping
Will soon arise in all perfection.

Dear Christ, our souls’ Maker and Lover,
You have closed the grave’s mournful story.
When time and earth’s travails are over,
You call Your Own to perfect glory.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Your Light Divine

Your Light Divine

Awake my soul, and with God’s Son
Shake off all my sin and arise.
By His Grace my life’s race is run;
Because of Your pure sacrifice.

Your influence of Light Divine
Reflects Heaven’s propitious ways.
Light Your Light to forever shine
Our ardent love and cheerful praise.

I wake and lift my joyful heart
To You I unwearied will sing,
While Your angels sing their own part
High praises to our Lord and King.

All praise to You; my safety’s kept;
Then when from death I shall awake;
Refreshed from chaos while I slept
So Your endless Light I’ll partake.

Lord, Heaven’s wherever You are;
Apart from You is hell to me.
Dear Lord, never from me depart;
Even one moment gone from Thee.

Direct, control, and guide my way;
Take all my sins with all their might;
That all I design, do, or say
In Your sole glory I’ll unite.

If I do not wake or rise again;
And You are not there to be enjoyed;
Heaven, itself, would I distain
And all hymns would not be employed.

Angel Voices

Angel Voices

Angel voices ever singing
Your brilliant thrones of light.
Angel’s harps forever ringing;
Never resting day or the night.

You’re beyond what my eyes can scan;
Yet, I know that You’re always near;
Listening to songs of sinful men,
While all my needs You gladly bear.

Lord, I know Your Love rejoices
Over each of my acts of love;
Making my ears, hands, and voice,
For Your designed pleasure above.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

At the Sound of His Roar

At the Sound of His Roar

Currently we occupy
The Enemy's domain
His subtle snares encircle us
His weapons-- lies and shame

As ruler of this present world
He hinders and destroys
And if we can't see past his form
We'll know not peace or joy

We must fix our gaze on Him
Who waits in heavenly wings
Who covertly emboldens us
Who love and guidance brings

So please pay close attention to
The King behind the curtain
Although it often seems in doubt
His victory is certain

He'll return to conquer all
To vanquish every foe
And then He'll take his rightful place
Upon the eternal throne

So take hope in the skirmishes
The war's already won
And one bright day we'll set our eyes
Upon our Lion and Sun

Sunday, January 19, 2020

I Meet God in the Morning

    I Meet God in the Morning

The earth is the Lord’s
    and the fullness thereof ,
It speaks of His greatness ,
    it sings of His love ,
And each day at dawning
    I lift my heart high
And raise up my eyes
    to the infinite sky …
I see the dew glisten
    in crystal-like splendor
While God ,with a touch
    that is gentle and tender ,
Wraps up the night
     and softly tucks it away
And hangs out the sun
     to herald a new day ,
A day yet unblemished
     by what’s gone before ,
A chance to begin
     and start over once more ,
And all I need do
     is to silently pray ,
God , help me and guide me
     and go with me today
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
God’s gifts put man’s dreams to shame .
Please remember  Hali grand Mother Elizabeth Drummond. Thank you