Friday, September 12, 2014

Living For My Lord

Living For My Lord

I have told the Gospel story
To many children over the years.
Some seemed not to listen.
Some repented with bitter tears.

Sometimes I am tempted to say,
"One soul was saved, only one."
Then my Father gently reminds me.
"For that child I sent my only Son."

I keep singing the Gospel story.
Sometimes I hit a wrong chord,
But I have a song in my heart,
So I'll keep singing for my Lord.

I have prayed so many prayers
That got answers of plainly "no",
But I got so many "yes" answers,
That it pays to pray, I know.

For every good poem I write,
I write one that's not so fine,
But I'll keep writing about Jesus,
For I am His, and He is mine.

I'll keep living for my Lord,
For He has done so much for me,
Until the day He takes me home,
And His dear holy face I see.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Blessedness through brokenness

Blessedness through brokenness

Upon that hill near Galilee Jesus fed
multitudes with some fishes and bread.
But this meal could only be provided
once the food was broken and divided

And do you recall the jar that was broken
showing her love without a word spoken?
For in breaking the jar she filled the room
with the sweetest of loving perfume.

Brokenness and contrition are the start
of the restoration of life and heart.
For only broken souls know the feeling
of the sweet compassion of God’s healing.

And there in the upper room Jesus said
“This is my body,” when He broke the bread.
The red grapes had been crushed to make the wine
just as He was crushed for those sins of mine

For deep words of forgiveness were spoken,
when Jesus upon the cross was broken.
Whilst He was wounded and left there to die
“Father forgive,” was His imploring cry.

When the storm is at its worse Jesus knows
coming alongside His love overflows.
Embracing us with His arms opened wide
we can overcome when He’s alongside.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Heaven's Tears

Heaven's Tears

Lord, I know you have a bottle,
collecting all my tears . . .
from the pain and sorrow
I’ve had throughout the years.

They must be overflowing,
forming a river wide and deep
and I'm sure before my life ends
I'll have more of them to weep.

Lord I know, You know my pain,
for You have suffered too
and I wonder if there’s a bottle
up in heaven just for You.

It must be gushing over,
with all the tears You cry
over those who don't believe
the reason You had to die.

Lord, I know one day our tears,
will forever stop and cease
and the river of tears in heaven
will flow with eternal peace!
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless ! 
Revelation 22 : 1 
" And he shewed me a pure river 
of water of life clear as crystal 
proceeding out the throne
of God and of the Lamb ."

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

God's Special Child

God's Special Child

Her hair was pushed back from her face,
her eyes a bit apart.
She didn't have the best of looks,
but love was in her heart.

She didn't wear the nicest clothes,
she slurred most every word.
The other kids would laugh and joke
and thought her ways absurd.

One day a peer had joked of her,
just where she kept her broom.
So after that she cried alone
in dark and lonely room.

The life she knew was so unfair.
Oh, why were movie stars
all living under spotlights, awed,
in fancy clothes and cars?

Oh, why are they so popular
and why, have they, the fame...
because they're cute and glamorous
in life's most cruel game?

She questioned God in all her prayers
and begged for answers too.
And then in tears she asked of me,
so now I'm asking you...

Just why do we discriminate
against God's special child,
this one who's only innocent,
so loving, meek and mild?

Why buy expensive tickets to
a movie or a show?
Why throw our money down the drain
and to 'rock concerts' go?

Why do our pleasures matter so?
Why is it "me, me, me"?
Why do we listen to ourselves
but not her humble plea?

Sometimes we are like movie stars
and stand around with drinks.
We laugh, believing life's a joke.
I wonder what God thinks...

Why don't we help the least of these
before today is done?
Our lives won't be rewarded 'til
we find God's special one.

You'll find her crying all alone
next to a pool of tears.
She's praying that you'll find her there
and has been many years...
[John 15 : 5 ]
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Monday, September 8, 2014

Godly Grandparents

Godly Grandparents

We call them Gramps; we call them Nanny.
We call them Grandpa; we call them Granny.
We select an affectionate title or name,
But they are our grandparents just the same.

Godly grandparents are blessings so dear.
Along life's path, they bring us cheer.
They can give advice that's useful and wise.
They can lift our spirits as high as the skies.

They think of their grandchildren everyday,
And for each one, they may fervently pray.
In God's Word, many truths they may glean.
Their Godly lives are wholesome and clean.

For Christian grandparents, thank God above,
For they care for your souls with a Godly love.
Show them you love them and treat them right.
Hug and kiss them and make their day bright.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Saved by Grace