Thursday, June 28, 2012

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

In the glow of early morning ,
In the solemn hush of night ;
Down from heaven’s open portals
   Steal a messenger of light ;
Whispering sweetly to my spirit ,
While the hosts of heaven sing !
This the wondrous thrilling story ,
   Christ is coming, Christ my King .

Oft me thinks I hear His footsteps ,
Stealing down the paths of time ;
And the future dark with shadows ,
   Brightens with the hope sublime .
Sound the soul-inspiring anthem
Angel hosts , your harps attune ;
Earth’s long night is almost over,
   Christ is coming – coming soon

Long we’ve waited blest Redeemer ,
Waited for the first bright ray
Of the morn when sin and sorrow
   At thy Presence flee away;
But our vigil’s nearly over ;
Hope of heaven , oh priceless boon !
In the east the glow appearing .
   Christ is coming – coming soon .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Aunt Sarah Luckey's Quilt

Aunt Sarah Luckey’s  Quilt
I have a dear possession ,
A quilt of many years ,
T’was made with loving fingers
By a maiden long since dead .

I wonder of the dreams she had
As she sewed the lovely color ,
Of  the  prince who’d someday come
And love her as no other .

I know she must have though a lot
Of how she’d have a home ,
And fill it full of  lovely things
From which she ever roam .

Perhaps she dreamed of baby shoes,
Of tired little feet ,
And all the other things that go
To make a life complete .

But ah , her dreams they ne’er came true
For soon she was to rest
I n that  fair land beyond the blue ,
Where souls are ever blessed ..

Now I , the namesake of this aunt
In the  second  generation ,
Gaze on her lovely  work of art
With praise and adoration ,

My life like hers is incomplete ,
I, too, dream of tomorrow
When all the  worldly things have  passed
Like love , and hate and sorrow .

Mabe we’ll meet on that fair shore
Along with many others

  Jan  Bagwell  ,
God Bless !

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Lives Distressed Cannot Be Blessed

Lives Distressed Cannot Be Blessed
Refuse to be discouraged ,
Refuse to be distressed ,
For when we are  despondent
Our lives cannot be blessed ,
For doubt and fear and worry
Close the door to faith and prayer ,
And there’s no room for blessings
When we’re lost in deep despair ,
So remember when we’re troubled
With uncertainty and doubt
It is best to tell our Father
What our fear is all about .
For unless we seek His guidance
When  troubled times arise ,
We are bound  to make decisions
That are twisted and  unwise ,
But when we view our problems
Through the eyes of God above ,
Misfortunes turn to blessings
And hatred turn to love .
Jan bagwell    
God Bless !
Please pray for Brother Mike wells , Mother ,family