Friday, March 1, 2013

God Know Your Plan

God Knows Your Plan
God knows the PLANS He has for me.They will cause me no alarm.For God declares most faithfully,His PLANS will do no harm.
Instead He PLANS to give me LIFE,To rely on Him to cope.It will not be so impossibleFor He has promised HOPE.
He PLANS for me a FUTURE, butDown His path I must pace.All honor goes to Him aloneHe has given me His Grace.
I must CALL upon Him now!And come to Him in prayer.He promised me He'd LISTEN;He has promised me His care.
I must Him most deeply SEEK!In His Word, He is found there.Yes, I will FIND you Lord, today,Through worship, Word and prayer.
But I must SEEK with ALL my HEARTNo portion can I keep.I must surrender everythingThen, He will PROSPER me with peace.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the Lord. Jer. 29:11-14 NIV

Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Legend of the Dogwood

In Jesus time, the dogwood grew
To a stately size and a lovely hue.
‘Twas strong & firm it’s branches interwoven
For the cross of Christ its timbers were chosen.
Seeing the distress at this use of their wood
Christ made a promise which still holds good:
“Never again shall the dogwood grow
Large enough to be used so
Slender & twisted, it shall be
With blossoms like the cross for all to see.
As blood stains the petals marked in brown
The blossom’s center wears a throny crown.
All who see it will remember me
Crucified on a cross from the dogwood tree.
Cherished and protected this tree shall be
A reminder to all of my agony.”
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Saved by His Grace

Saved by His Grace

I Am A Child Of God
Since Jesus came into my heart,
His presence I always feel.
He totally changed my outlook on life,
When He marked me with His seal.
I want others to know this feeling,
For it is the greatest "high."
Nothing can ever compare to it,
So I don’t even try.
The inner peace that I now have,
I value more highly than gold.
I don’t have many material things,
But still I have riches untold.
No closer friend could I possess,
For He never leaves my side.
When daily problems come my way,
It’s Him in whom I confide.
When I came to God’s attention,
My life was filled with mistakes and discord,
His justice couldn’t dismiss my sin,
But His mercy was my reward.
When He sacrificed His only Son,
The gates of hell to me were closed.
Instead heaven’s gates swung open to me,
When Jesus, the Christ, I chose.
When Jesus became my Savior,
God adopted me as His child.
With the certainty of eternal life,
Oh, it makes this life worthwhile!
Not only did God pardon me,
I can now use the name of His Son.
Whatever I ask in Jesus’ name,
God promises it will be done.
I have a place at God’s table.
Jesus reserved my place for free.
One day I’ll join all the others,
Who are saved by grace like me.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!
Saved by His Grace

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

In Christ Alone

In Christ Alone
In Christ alone my hope is found
In Christ alone who turned my life around
In Christ alone who protects me
In Christ alone who has a plan for me
In Christ alone who saved you and I
In Christ alone who sacrificed His life
In Christ alone I am delivered
In Christ alone I am healed
In Christ alone I am protected
In Christ alone He has provided
In Christ alone I now have life
In Christ alone I now have my sword to fight
In Christ alone who guided me through
In Christ alone who has made me new
In Christ alone what a friend I have in you
In Christ alone my all in all I love you
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Monday, February 25, 2013

You Can Be Whatever you Want To Be !

You Can Be Whatever You Want To Be!

There is inside you
All of the potential
To be whatever you want to be; 
All of the energy
To do whatever you want to do. 
Imagine yourself as you would like to be, 
Doing what you want to do, 
And each day, take one step
Towards your dream. 
And though at times it may seem too
difficult to continue, 
Hold on to your dream. 
One morning you will awake to find
That you are the person you dreamed of, 
Doing what you wanted to do, 
Simply because you had the courage
To believe in your potential
And to hold on to your dream.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Remember All things are possible in Jesus Christ !