Thursday, May 2, 2019

A Quiet Little Lamb

A Quiet Little Lamb

I'm not a goat, I'm not a Ram,
I'm just a quiet little lamb.
I speak for other lambs like me
who we don't hear and we don't see.

So many tortured and abused,
some aborted or simply used.
We all are lost among the tall
behind the shadow's darkened wall.

We're lost in thickets sharp with thorns,
with those tall demons without horns.
They say, "Please smile and go to bed"
but tears run down my cheeks instead.

From other lambs with reddened eyes,
I hear more screams and hear their cries.
A Shepherd passed the goat and ram
and in a thicket, found this lamb.

I pray, "Dear Jesus, help the lost.
the least of these who pay the cost.
Among the thickets, you will find
more lambs like me. You are so kind.

I'm thankful, Lord, you hear and see
and know there's many more like me.
Please stop the tall who have become
the demons for each little one.

I'm not a goat, I'm not a Ram,
I'm just a quiet little lamb.
I speak for other lambs like me
who we don't hear and we don't see.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019



I thank you for the peace that only you can give
I thank you for this gracious life that you've given me to live
I'm learning from you to be content whatever my circumstance
That I may move forward through troubles without a second glance
Thank you for being my strength and my salvation
That I may be able to handle any of life's situations
Thank you for being my daily dose of hope
For giving me the presence of mind to be able to cope
With all the trials that life sends in my direction
And all of life's little daily complications
I'm so glad that you know me inside and out
That even before I was born you knew what I would be about
Thank you for sending your son Jesus to die on the cross
So that many souls will be saved instead of forever lost
Thank you for your unconditional love that knows no end
And for the many blessings that you do daily send
Thank you for each and every day that you give to me
I just pray that I live it in the way you would have me to be!

Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: 
Phil 4:11-12 (NKJV)

Monday, April 29, 2019

God Answers Prayer

God Answers Prayer

God answers our prayers 
not because we pray so good
but because He is a great God 
and answers like He said He would
It's not flowery words or phrasing 
that gets His attention to hear
but a sincere heart that seeks Him 
is when He draws near
God listens to all our groanings 
and knows our every need
He hears the cry of the poor and needy 
and with compassion will take heed
Matthew 6:7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
6:8 Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

The Flower of Grace

The Flower of Grace

Grace is a flower that I love to smell,
Because of its power I am not in hell,
Upon its rich fragrance I love to dwell,
I cannot get too much of grace. 

I hold this dear flower, its beauty so great,
It has a sweet savor that does not abate, 
Its manifold colors are rich to this date, 
I love to learn more about grace. 

The pedals are lovely, sparkling with dew,
All shades of glory, and more than a few, 
So many blessings to my soul accrue, 
Just fixing my heart upon grace. 

Grace in the morning, in the afternoon, 
It is never too late, it is never too soon, 
To take up the flower and enjoy its boon, 
And have my heart blessed by this grace. 

I hold to it dearly, yes my grip is tight, 
I pull it closely with never a fright, 
No thorns to prick me my blessings to blight, 
I never shall grow tired of grace. 

So come to the garden (the Bible) with speed, 
You will find grace flowers and plenty of seed, 
They grow all around you when Scripture you read, 
You too can be filled by His grace.

Be No More Sad

Be No More Sad

Yes any time or any place, 
We can approach the throne of grace. 
We can unload a world of care, 
And seek the face of God in prayer. 

For everywhere our God is near, 
A word " a whisper " He can hear. 
What’s more our thoughts all rise before, 
The throne of Him whom we adore. 

Nor does our sin forbid access, 
Or hinder God" our souls to bless;
For Christ our righteousness prevails, 
His mediation never fails. 

By faith draw nigh" pour out your soul, 
And all your cares upon Him roll. 
Then rise up saints " no more be sad
For God can make His children glad: 
Yes God has made His children glad.