Friday, December 16, 2011

God of Grace

God of Grace
O grant us faith ,dear God of grace
that strengthens and sustains
A faith that reigns triumphantly
through all our earthly pains .

Grant comfort that reveals Thy love ,
Console our hearts , we pray ;
God ,wipe our tears , and courage give ;
To walk in hope each day .

O grant us peace , dear God of grace ,
Peace Thou alone canst give ;
That we may rest our souls in thee,
And in Thy sweetness live .

From my house to your house have a Blessed Christmas and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011


A Christmas Hymn

Tell me what is this innumerable throng Singing in the heavens a loud angelic song ?
These are they who come with swift and shining feet
From round about the throne of God the Lord of Light to greet .
O , who are these that hasten beneath the starry sky ,
As if with joyful tidings that through the world shall fly ?
The faithful shepherds these , who greatly were a feared
When , as they watched their flocks by night ,the heavenly host appeared .

Who are these that follow across the hills of night
A star that westward hurries along the hills of light ?
Three wise men from the east who myrrh and treasure bring
To lay them at the feet of Him , their Lord and Christ ,
And King .

What babe new-born is this that in a manger cries ?
Near on her bed of pain His happy mother lies .
O , see ! the air is shaken with white and heavenly wings
This is the Lord of all the earth , this is the Kings of Kings .
Tell me , how may I join in this holy feast
With all the kneeling world , and I of all the least ?
Fear not ,O faithful heart ,but bring what most is meet ;
Bring love alone , true love alone ,and lay it at His feet .

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please be praying for sister Frankie Wilson , medical problem !

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Old Soldier's Poem

The Old Soldier's Poem

He was getting old and paunchy
And his hair was falling fast,
And he sat around the Legion,
Telling stories of the past.
Of a war that he once fought in
And the deeds that he had done,
In his exploits with his buddies;
They were heroes, every one.
And 'though sometimes to his neighbors
His tales became a joke;
All his buddies listened quietly
For they knew where of he spoke.
But we'll hear his tales no longer,
For ol' Lonnie has passed away,
And the world's a little poorer
For a Soldier died today.
He won't be mourned by many,
Just his children and his wife.
For he lived an ordinary,
Very quiet sort of life.
He held a job and raised a family,
Going quietly on his way;
And the world won't note his passing,
'Tho a Soldier died today.
When politicians leave this earth,
Their bodies lie in state,
While thousands note their passing,
And proclaim that they were great.
Papers tell of their life stories
From the time that they were young,
But the passing of a Soldier
Goes unnoticed, and unsung.
Is the greatest contribution
To the welfare of our land,
Some jerk who breaks his promise
And cons his fellow man?
Or the ordinary fellow
Who in times of war and strife,
Goes off to serve his country
And offers up his life?
The politician's stipend
And the style in which he lives,
Are often disproportionate,
To the service that he gives.
While the ordinary Soldier,
Who offered up his all,
Is paid off with a medal
And perhaps a pension, small.
It is not the politicians
With their compromise and ploys,
Who won for us the freedom
That our country now enjoys.
Should you find yourself in danger,
With your enemies at hand,
Would you really want some cop-out,
With his ever waffling stand?
Or would you want a Soldier
His home, his country, his kin,
Just a common Soldier,
Who would fight until the end.
He was just a common Soldier,
And his ranks are growing thin,
But his presence should remind us
We may need his like again.
For when countries are in conflict,
We find the Soldier's part,
Is to Clean up all the troubles that the
Politicians start.If we cannot do him honor
While he's here to hear the praise,
Then at least let's give him homage
At the ending of his days.
Perhaps just a simple headline
In the paper that might say:
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
I like to thank my Lord and Savior , Jesus Christ . My dad was that soldier .And all of you that have serve our great county . This is for you . God Bless and Thank You !

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

When His Glory Paints The Sky

When His Glory Paints The Sky

I can see Him through the twilight
At the closing of the day .
I could almost hear Him whisper
As to Him I knee to pray .

Only wait a little longer,
Falter not in faith or sight .
I will meet you in the morning
When His glory paints the sky .

With my eye of faith upon Him ,
Though the shadows thicken fast ,
For the darkness cannot hide Him ,
Till the morning break at last .

In my times of deepest anguish,
When with bitter tears I pray ,
I can hear His gentle whisper
I am near you all the way .

Only wait a little longer.
Falter not in faith or sight .
I will meet you in the morning
When His glory paints the sky .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Monday, December 12, 2011

Praying Hands

Praying Hands
There are hands that help and comfort
Hands that plan and teach
Hands that rest and hands that strive
For a goal just of reach …
Hands that grasp and hands that give
Hands that work and play
Friendly hands and loving hands
That soothe life’s cares away
But praying hands are dearest
In the sight of God above
For in their sweet and earnest clasp
Is reverence and love …
No hands can do an unkind act
Nor cause another care
Nor sin against Our Father’s Love
When they are clasped in prayer
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !