Friday, October 7, 2016

The Greeter

The Greeter

Mother always wanted to work
I'll be a greeter, she said
She was Ninety six years old
I thought she should rest instead.

It didn't matter what I thought
This had become her goal
She wanted to be a greeter
My Mother, a precious soul.

There was certainly no doubt
She greeted everyone around
Then one day she slipped away
Without the slightest sound.

Often when I pray to God
My most personal request
That my Mother, the greeter
Is having a lovely rest.

God knows a heart is broken
When He brings to me a Mother
Then beautiful words He gives me
For she is like no other.

Even though I never meet them
I see them in their child
Eyes full of love look to me
Tears come, I'm reconciled.

My Mother is in Heaven
And the greeter she will be
She's there to greet your Mother
Someday you and I will see.

When at last we follow them
At peace, a collective sigh
Then all the Mothers greet us
From His mansion in the sky.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Thursday, October 6, 2016

An Attitude Of Prayer

An Attitude Of Prayer

The sun was hot. There was no breeze.
It seemed that nature died -
except annoying croaking frogs
that tore me up inside.

And then those pesky chirping birds
kept on and wouldn't quit!
The peace and quiet fell away.
I thought I'd have a fit.

Emotions begged for me to scream
but logic's chains were fixed.
It seemed that I was torn in two
as all the truths were mixed.

A duck was splashing water and the
crickets pierced my ears.
I even heard a car horn then
that brought me close to tears.

Enjoy the outdoors? I could not.
The banks were on my heels!
And though I was not guilty, they
had voided my appeals.

My mind was racing to and fro.
I willed to run away -
where I could start a brand new life
where peaceful was the day.

Then wings of sev'ral hummingbirds
had winnowed that still air
which moved me ever closer to
an attitude of prayer.

They seemed to not be bothered by
the things that bothered me.
I once was blinded by this earth...
but now, at last, I'm free!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Dress for Success

 Dress for Success

Did you know we believers are in a war? 
Our enemy is vicious, not one to ignore.
In order to triumph in this test, 
Let's check out the manual to dress for success.

We buckle on the belt of truth;
Works best if we wear it from our youth.
The breastplate of righteousness does its part 
Providing protection to the heart.

Fitted with peace, our feet are ready 
To stand strong in battle or stand steady.
The shield of faith provides protection 
When arrows are fired from every direction.

Our minds we protect from evil temptation 
By putting on the helmet of salvation.
We pick up the fearsome Sword of the Spirit 
So lethal to demons they won't come near it.

This is how we dress each day, 
But before we head out, we stop to pray.
We exalt our God with prayers and praises 
Trusting His guidance in all its phases.

There's coming a day when we'll battle no more, 
But until then we fight in this war.
The armor, the weapons and giving of thanks 
Help us defeat the enemy's ranks.

So get up tomorrow; be ready to fight, 
Put on the armor; go forth in God's might.
Soon our Lord will call us up higher, 
But the devil will land in the Lake of Fire.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Ephesians 6:13-18

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The finer things

The finer things

God allows people in our lives for various reasons,
Sometimes they come and go, just like the seasons.
There are friends whose words really make our day,
There are those who really don't have much to say,
But you have chose the finer things.

Words spoken in love seem to always have a place,
While thoughtless remarks seem to bring disgrace.
We have a choice in the words that we say,
Whether to darken or brighten someone's day,
But you have chose the finer things.

Your words of encouragement have brightened many a day,
Your Godly wisdom, love and caring always shows the way.
Your words give comfort as you share them from your heart,
It's hard to express my thanks, or even know where to start,
For you have chose the finer things.

Yes, friends may come, while other friends may go,
But, now there is one thing I'm sure I know.
My God has blessed me with such a precious friend,
I'll always cherish that honor to the very end,
For I have chose the finer things.
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless 

Monday, October 3, 2016

Circle of friends

Circle of friends

Oh,joy can be profound
Though foes be around
In the circle of friends
Life beautifully blends

It's so nice to be real
To know one understands how you feel
In the circle of friends
There's no need to pretend

Cheering us in times of tears
Helping us through heart-felt prayers
Through life's curves and bends
Friends help us comprehend

That we are needed and loved
Uniquely by our Father above
Through triumphs,through tears
Friends will always stay near

Oh,what joy,what joy!
Their company we really enjoy
Precious ones so dear 
Lending us listening ears

Beaming their seraphic smile
Heaven enfolds us a while
Enjoying their warm embrace
We're wrapped in sweet grace

Their love helps us glow
And forget our sorrows
In the circle of friends
Broken hearts will mend

Oh,lost peace is found
At their lovely sound
Sweet,melodious voices
Encouraging right choices

Angels though in disguise
Giving us timely advice
Oh,the rare treasures God sends 
In the circle of friends
Jan Bagwell
God Bless