Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Christmas, A Part of Christ's Story

Christmas, A Part of Christ's Story

To me, Christmas has great meaning.
It is really a part of Christ's story.
He came to this earth to die for us
From His beautiful home in Glory.

I wonder how His own Father felt
When it was time for Him to depart.
When in His love, He sent Jesus,
Did great sadness fill His heart?

God, in His love, sent His only Son.
For our sins, He was crucified.
This was the reason for His coming.
For the sins of mankind, He died.

Christ's story then continues.
In three days, He arose from the dead.
He then had victory over death
Just like to His disciples he said.

Jesus is now at God's right hand,
Interceding for us up in Glory.
If we call on Him to save our souls,
We can be a part of Christ's story.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Merry Christmas  my friends !