Friday, September 4, 2015

Buried Treasure

Buried Treasure

I found a buried treasure map inside a dusty book.
It showed the paths of journeys old. I took a closer look.

I studied meanings of those paths through all my bias views
and cut more paths with stubbornness in search of crucial clues.
Exposed were possibilities where treasures could be found,
so I mapped out my own small world where I could look around.

I envied after treasures so. I took my ev'ry tool.
I took my shovel and my ax, my compass and my mule.
(My shovel was my selfish greed. The ax was my own tongue.
My mule was my brand new car and friends I was among.)

I loaded up my mighty ship (that one might call 'career')
and I believed that treasure chest was very, very near.
I stood at helm, determined, on my great big sailing ship.
So confident I'd reach my goals, I held a solid grip.

I followed all the earthly rules and took each cautious measure,
went ashore on sev'ral lands in search of buried treasure.
I overturned huge stubborn stones so very burdensome -
but all I found was sinful filth and weary had become.

I thought that gold awaited me, bright silver and fine jewels -
but found out very soon that I was dumbest of the fools.
For years and decades I had searched - until one day I quit.
A treasure hunter, I was not. I sadly was unfit.

So overboard, I threw my pride... Depressed I was, in shock.
My anchor splashed and sank in seas then held in solid rock.
I found a much more stable life - no longer lost, adrift.
T'was then my broken heart exposed that great and precious gift.

Is treasure only found in something torn and ripped apart
and buried down and deep inside - like my own broken heart?
We hope to find true happiness with our own 'treasure maps',
but tell me - are we pirates here - with selfish goals perhaps?

I hadn't found that treasure buried deep inside of me,
until I found a little 'key' that's called humility.
And now that I've discovered it, my soul is filled with glee!
And that uncovered treasure now, has made me fully free.

Don't follow those on stormy seas where you are tossed and twirled.
Accept the treasure of His love, 'for God so loved the world'.
And don't be fake, a hypocrite who doesn't care to look,
but search down deep inside your heart (the map is in His Book).

So follow trail into your heart so you aren't left behind.
Accept the grace of Jesus and great treasure you will find!
Jan Bgwell
God Bless !

Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Perfect Little Girl

The Perfect Little Girl

When God was making e thought, "What can I do"
To create a perfect little girl
To make a grandpa's dream come true

He started with cute and healthy
Then added extra smarts
Then threw in lots of giggles
To lighten up our hearts

He made her eyes a great big blue
And put extra twinkles there
Then stroked her skin with angle dust
To make it soft and fair

He made her brave and made her strong
Part --- and part------
And made her big enough to share
So everyone could treasure

It's been  years since God sent you
And I'm thankful every day
That he heard the prayer from Grandpa and sent the perfect little girl our way.

Jan Bagwell 
God Bless

I See Spring!

I See Spring!

"With picture faded on the wall
oh, who could understand it all?

For yesterday began the spring
when we could dance and we could sing.

But faded now, our lively songs
with grasses dead and flowers gone.
Today I stand somewhat dismayed.
and of tomorrow, am afraid.

My wrinkled face now bears a frown.
I find the whole world up-side-down.

From government to businesses,
the world is busy, all abuzz.

The love of money, Satan's hook.
What's with the envy? Take a look!

In all the world, who understands?
Does love for money stain our hands?
Some day in Heaven, happily,
I'll sing God's praises out with glee!

Who cares of clothes or car I drive?
I am with Him and am alive!

Today, I see deception's sting,
but of tomorrow, I see spring!

With picture faded on the wall
oh, who would understand it all?
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless  !
The best and most beautiful things in the world
cannot be seen or even touched.
They must be felt with the heart.
Be kind to all you meet you may not see them again

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

-Thoughts of Old- (Talking To God)

-Thoughts of Old- (Talking To God)

The winds blow cold and the leaves fall away
Barren branches dance and play
Against a gray and cloudy sky
Wondering what age am I
You fill my life with a puddled bath
And cause my heart and soul to laugh
Reflection at times is a lonely place
When staring at my wrinkled face

When You read the stories about my life
They won't be smooth like a butter knife
I didn't follow anyone's script
And many pages have been ripped
But nothing is hidden from Your sight
Each one of us stand before Your light
I didn't deserve a thing from You
Even when skies were clear and blue

The rain in drizzles showers my hair
Seated in my rocking chair
Watching leaves fall one by one
So thankful that I have Your Son
I sit in thought weak and frail
But I know Your love will never fail
You loved me before, though just a fool
When I must have broken every rule
Many things I learned in youth
Which brought me to Your words of truth

The winds blow cold, and the leaves die off
Sticking in my throat like a pirate's cough
But I still put my trust in You
There's nothing that old age can do
To take me away from how much You care
So as I silently say a prayer
I close my eyes and bow my head
Sometimes I fall asleep instead
But I rest assured that no matter the age
Your forgiveness and love fill every page....
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
God  is Great !!!

Monday, August 31, 2015

When You're Around-

When You're Around-

Like a little toddler in overalls
Enjoying the rain as it dances and falls
In Your presence I go back in years
My father wiping away my tears
There can be sun on a rainy day
Love simply chases the clouds away
Soaked like a sponge from head to toe
Your waters make the flowers grow
Your spirit never leaves my side
Your rainbow like a water slide
Assures me You are always there
Child at play, or man in prayer
Wrinkled soul with eyes of youth
Our bodies age, but not Your truth

I remember climbing on a box
Kicking off my shoes, and my dirty socks
Eagerly peering through the window's glass
My daddy was at home at last
He would pick me up, and spin me 'round
There was nothing like my father's sound
And there's nothing like the sound of You
No matter the storm, tried and true
The lightning strikes; the thunder booms
In my Father's house there are many rooms
And You've prepared a place for me
With eyes of faith the righteous see
Not the dark gray skies that the trials send
But a pot of gold at the rainbow's end

When You're around I've no need to fear
I enjoy myself till the skies are clear
An umbrella of protection covers my head
Safe and secure, tucked in bed
In Your faithfulness on a pillow of peace
Knowing what to expect when the downpours cease
There is nothing like my Father's face
I can see Your glory all over the place
Just like I saw from my window's view
My heart is focused, just on You
Here comes my Daddy almost at the door
And I'm the one He's come here for
The rains may drench, turn the earth to mud
But the only thing that my Father will flood
Is my yearning heart as I wait on Him
No need to struggle, fight, or swim
I see Your promise in the rainbow's band
As I marvel at my Father's hand.....
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless !
God is Great !!!

Sunday, August 30, 2015



They had a set of dishes
Given them when they wed ,
With luck and happiness and wishes
By loved ones ,who to them said
They wished they’d always be happy
As the moment when,”I will,”
Was said with so much rapture
That their hearts were standing still.

The dishes tell a lovely story
Of the lives they were to live _
How they shone in all their glory
When the very frist forgive
Was whispered, and I love you truly ,
Which made things right again ,
For it was just as surely said ,
As sun comes after rain

Time as long since passed ,
Since they were first together ,
When he’d sit and ask her
If she loved him as no other –
And she was just content
With the answer in her heart ,
For she knew that it was meant
That they should never part ..

Although their lives had many scars
Like cracks upon the china ,
Their love outshone the mars ,
For it was only minor ,
If the one who’d done the wrong
Down in his heart had sorrow ,
For they never let the sun go down
Without a ,” Bright Tomorrow ,”

She’s an old lady now ,
And he is eight-two ,
The cups and saucers wonder
What the other one will do ,
Until they both are able ,
To sit at God’s own perfect table ,
Be fed by His own hand

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
I wrote this poem about 15 years ago .It was my mother first Christmas without dad.He died a week before Thankgiving that year . My mother had been marry to my dad for over fifty years and the only time they had been apart was world war 2 . My mother had almost gave up living .I wish we all could have had Dad and mom love . They raise three God loving children . {2 boys and a girl ] . So I wrote this for my mother that Christmas . Thank you Jesus for my mother and dad and brother and sister ,there never been any better. Merry Christmas