Saturday, January 27, 2018

I Meet God in the Morning

    I Meet God in the Morning

The earth is the Lord’s
    and the fullness thereof ,
It speaks of His greatness ,
    it sings of His love ,
And each day at dawning
    I lift my heart high
And raise up my eyes
    to the infinite sky …
I see the dew glisten
    in crystal-like splendor
While God ,with a touch
    that is gentle and tender ,
Wraps up the night
     and softly tucks it away
And hangs out the sun
     to herald a new day ,
A day yet unblemished
     by what’s gone before ,
A chance to begin
     and start over once more ,
And all I need do
     is to silently pray ,
God , help me and guide me
     and go with me today
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
God’s gifts put man’s dreams to shame .

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Old Valentine Card

The Old Valentine Card

I was invited to a friend's house
For a Valentine's Day feast.
Her husband had passed away.
She was lonely, to say the least.

We had a lovely, tasty dinner.
In the table's center, there sat
A very old pretty Valentine card
On top of a pretty lacy placemat.

I did not ask about the card,
But soon she wanted to share.
There was a story about that card
That rested on the table there.

"My husband was deployed overseas
The day after Valentine's Day.
He gave me this lovely Valentine,
And the next day, he went away."

"He told me just before he left,
'Keep this card in a safe place,
And remember it says I LOVE YOU,
Though you cannot see my face.'"

"I looked at this card everyday
And prayed for his safe return.
To see his loving face again
In my heart, this I did yearn."

"Every time he was deployed,
The story was just the same.
I held onto this Valentine card.
In prayer, I called his name."

"Finally he left the Navy.
Together we spent many years.
One day God took him to Heaven,
And sadly I shed many tears."

"One day I remembered the card,
And I took it from its place.
I said, 'Death can't take our love.
In Heaven, I'll see your face.'"

"Now I cherish this Valentine.
Do you think this is absurd?"
I answered, "Your love story
Is the sweetest I've ever heard!"

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

We All Need A Friend

We All Need A Friend

We all need a friend,
to encourage us
we all need someone
who in God truly trusts.

We all need a partner,
with whom we can pray
someone who will help us
stay on the narrow way.

We all need a mentor,
in whom we can share
someone who understands
the weight of our care.

We all need a confidant,
to help our faith grow
someone who believes
God’s will we can know.

We all need a friend,
a faithful supporter
we all need God’s Spirit
to be our shock absorber!
John 14:16

“And I will pray the Father,
and he shall give you another
Comforter, that he may abide
with you for ever;”

Monday, January 22, 2018



It was 12:00 noon on a Monday and everyone was rushing to lunch.

As I pulled into a local fast food restaurant and parked,
I noticed an old pickup truck with a trailer attached.

The driver had pulled into the narrow parking lot and mistakenly
tried to exit via the one way drive through lane. Unfortunately
he was going the wrong way and cars were stacked up waiting to
get out.

When I arrived, he was frantically trying to get turned around
and out of everyone's way. There were a lot of people watching
but no one offered to help.

I walked over to the driver's window and asked if he needed
help. The driver was an older gentleman. He was completely

The truck did not have power steering and in his attempt to get
turned around he had jackknifed the trailer.

I could tell that he was scared and did not know how to get out.

After stopping all the traffic and asking everyone to be patient
for a few minutes, I guided him back and forth until he finally
got the truck and trailer turned around. I patted him on the
shoulder, told him "God Bless you and good luck."

He stated to me that he had just been released from the
hospital and that he was so scared; he thought he was going to
have another heart attack right on the spot.

He said, "you're a good man and I can never thank you enough."
I could tell that his thank you was truly from the heart.
He then drove away.

Working in construction all my life, I have been required to
drive vehicles with a trailer behind them.

To me this was a fairly easy situation to correct.
To an inexperienced driver it can be a nightmare.

A simple thank-you was certainly sufficient for such a little
gesture of kindness.

What happened next was a total surprise and an event I will
never forget.

As I opened the door and walked into the restaurant, everyone in
the restaurant stood up, clapped and shouted "good job".

No words can ever explain how good I felt.