Friday, July 19, 2013

Voice of Hope

I’ll try to be a voice of hope
A continuous ray of light
I’ll try to be an example of grace
That I may shine like Christ
Grant me a courageous spirit
Who’s not afraid to speak the truth
I pray the way I live my life
Will draw lost souls to you
Give me a dependable conscience
That won’t allow me to ignore
The things that satan tries to hide
Of faults within my soul
May I be a blessing
As a representative of you
Until all soldiers have come home
And all the spiritual battles are through
Lead the prodigals onward
Until the day you come
Loose the chains of bondage
Until each spirit has come home
I will be your witness
And go wherever you lead
Until the last signs have been fulfilled
And every prisoner is freed
May my life lead others
To become a song of praise
Pointing towards the Savior
As we receive your grace through faith
Every person is a slave
To whom will you be
One who follows Jesus Christ
Or our soul’s worst enemy
One day Christ is coming back
And the world will be at peace
When His love and compassion rule the earth
And when all wars have ceased
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please Pray for Sister Julie  Morris , she having  Heart problems

Thursday, July 18, 2013

When You are alone

When You are alone

The pain you feel when you're all alone
a feeling to me, that's very well known
The thoughts in your mind, are not very clear
as you feel on your cheek, that burning tear

It eats you up, and tears you apart
as you try to heal your broken heart
We all have this feeling deep down inside
although for some, they have denied

The painful truth of what they feel
and by themselves, they can not heal
So ask the Lord for his healing hand
and walk you through that burning sand

To the end, where you can heal
and the feeling of contentment you can feel
He turns away no one, who has the Trust
So open your heart, to him you must

My tears are falling once again
because of the evilness of sin
It's all around, and hurts me so
it hits me hard, will not let go
It causes me such unbearable pain
as it did in the days of Abel and Cain
I need the strength of our sweet Lord
to be without, I can't afford
God gave his Son to protect me from sin
that Satan tempts in all Earthly men
He harms my Loved ones without care
I try to get away, but he's everywhere
There is a chance to defeat his way
it works, when we kneel down and Pray
God is stronger and he will win
He will protect me from the sin
I'll keep my Heart open, down to the core
and I will make it to Heaven's door

The End

Ask for forgiveness before it's to late
before you're standing at Heavens gate
Will you be ready for that final call
ask for it now, there's no time at all
Our Lord made a promise he's coming soon
this place we call Earth is heading for doom
The millennium's bringing lots of change
things are happening that's very strange
In the life of every mortal man
let God in your life while you can
God decides when the time has come
to send back to Earth his only son
The time you see is drawing near
and if you're ready, you have no fear

Jan Bagwell

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A Boy named Grumble Tone

I think this probably hits most of us pretty hard, as it is so much easier to grumble than to take a little extra effort to find something good to say. We would all be much better off if we took some time to think about things before we act or speak; better yet to say a prayer instead of finding fault.
God places people in our path to help refine and grow us, and so that we can help others in their walk with Him.
Even though there are plenty of bad things that happen each day, don’t let yourself get to the point that all you dwell on is the bad. God is still at work and doing plenty of great, even awesome things. Make the choice to look at things from His point of view and your life will be so much happier and peaceful.
His refinement process can seem tough at times, but He never wants you to settle for anything less than His Very Best.
There was a boy named Grumble Tone who ran away to sea,
“I’m sick of things on land,” he said, “as sick as I can be;
A life upon the bounding wave will suit a lad like me!”

The seething ocean billows failed to stimulate his mirth,
For he did not like the vessel, nor the dizzy, rolling berth,
And he thought the sea was almost as unpleasant as the earth.
He wandered into foreign lands, he saw each wondrous sight,
But nothing that he heard or saw seemed just exactly right;
And so he journeyed on and on, still seeking for delight.
He talked with kings and ladies fair; he dined in courts, they say,
But always found the people dull, and longed to get away
To search for that mysterious land where he would like to stay.
He wandered over all the world, his hair grew white as snow;
He reached that final bourne at last where all of us must go,
But never found the land he sought. The reason you would know?
The reason was that north or south, where’er his steps were bent,
On land or sea, in court or hall, he found but discontent;
For he took his disposition with him everywhere he went.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Kingdom Of God Is At Hand

From those around, I hear a cry
A mouth go soft, a hopeless sigh

I hear their footsteps… leaving slow
And then I know, my soul must Fly!

A chilly wind, begins to blow
Within my Soul, from Head to Toe

And then it’s Last Breath, escapes my lips
It’s time to leave. And I must go…

So it’s true (But it’s too late)
They said: “Each Soul, has its given Date”

When it must leave its body’s core
And meet it’s Eternal Fate

Oh mark the words that I do say,
Who knows? Tomorrow could be your day.

At last, it comes to Heaven or Hell
Decide which now… Do NOT delay!

Come on my brothers and sisters let’s quicly
Decide which now… Do NOT delay!

Oh God! Oh God! I cannot see!
My eyes are Blind! Am I still Me?!

Or has my soul been led astray,
And forced to pay a Priceless fee?!

At last to Dust… we all return
Some shall rejoice, while others burn

If only I knew… that before
The line grew short, and came my Turn!

And now, as beneath the sod
They lay me ( With my record flawed )

They cry, not knowing, I cry worse ,
For they go home, and now, I face my God!

Oh mark the words that I do say,
Who knows? Tomorrow could be your day.

At last, it comes to Heaven or Hell
Decide which now… Do NOT delay!

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Monday, July 15, 2013

Seek First God's Kingdom

Seek First God's Kingdom

Seek first the kingdom of God
And His righteousness for your life,
Do not be anxious for what you lack,
Your needs, God will provide

For God knows when we come to Him,
Just what are our pressing needs
He will satisfy our hungry mouths
While our hungry hearts, He feeds

Store up treasures in heaven above
Where moth and rust won’t decay
And where the value will not decrease,
For it’s eternal and does not fade

And as we do this, we will find,
Our worries soon will cease
And in our souls there's a quietness
Where we will know God’s peace.
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless!