Friday, June 12, 2015

The Gospel Message

The Gospel Message

Ever thought about what happens
To your spirit when you die,
Or do you push that thought away
Not knowing the reason why?

The fear of death may bring a chill
When you think about that day.
Is there a heaven and a hell
As you’ve heard some people say?

Most of us believe we are good
Shouldn’t that carry some weight,
If it’s true we continue to live
In some new spiritual state?

Well let’s flip our good side over
And look inside once again,
At all the things we’ve done wrong.
It’s a place we know as sin.

The stain of sin soaks into our souls.
We cannot remove its mark,
And the fear of death is realized
If we die with a sin-stained heart.

But the hope of the gospel message
Is that God and His Words are true,
And He made a way to remove our sins
As only a holy God could do.

Sinless blood was the sacrifice
That was needed to set us free.
So God gave up His only Son
Crucified on a cross-shaped tree.

The birth, death and resurrection of Christ
Is the payment that was made.
We must believe this in our heart
And confess it to be saved.

God’s own nature is born in us.
Our spirit has been made new!
The fear of death has lost its power,
And heaven has come into view.
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless !
John 3:10 
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotton Son that whoever believes in Him should not 
perish but have everlasting life

Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Divine Son of God

The Divine Son of God

Divinity became flesh
Approached Golgotha's hill
This Holy, Sacrificial Lamb
Sin's insatiable thirst would fill.

Divinity became flesh
Lay in a borrowed tomb
On the third day He arose
Death could not hold him down.

Divinity became flesh
This precious Son of God
The first fruits of the Body
To leave this earthly sod.

Divinity became flesh
No more walks through the land
Ascended to the Father
Now sits at God's right hand.

Divinity became flesh
The Father's will has done
For by his death he made us
"Accepted in the Son."
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, June 10, 2015



Pull back the curtain of eternity
Give us a glimpse from within
Of the new life that awaits God's children
Those, whom he has saved from sin.

No day or night will we know in that place,
No moon or sunlight will shine.
No pain or sickness can enter that realm,
This world of eternal time.

We'll all gather round the marriage table,
We'll be there from far and wide,
No denominations or church labels,
Just unity in the Bride.

We'll spend eternity in his Presence,
We'll sing and praise and rejoice,
A thousand years will seem but a day,
As we extol with unending voice.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Big House

The Big House

The splendor of the Big House
Awaits on the day we'll meet
As loved ones gone to Heaven
Gather lovingly at His feet.

For every Christian warrior
Is drawn to this Holy place
The majestic house of Jesus
And a promise to see His face.

Meet me at the Big House
So many are waiting there
Where eternity is our reward
Being blessed without a care.

Oh how I long to see them
With peace in my heart
That every soul that left me
Knows the moment I depart.

What a glorious plan for us
A time our Lord arranged
We travel to it faithfully
In a heartbeat we are changed.

Meet me at the Big House
We will walk a floor of gold
A white robe trails behind us
Then His voice we hear, behold!

It is beyond my imagination
But in my mind I can see
A path that leads to Heaven
When the Big House calls to me.

Basking in the warmth, the glow
Our tears fall never more
My Father stands to greet me
Opens wide the Big House door.

Meet me at the Big House
My loved ones and every friend
Meet me at the Big House
Where His light shines without end.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Monday, June 8, 2015

Heaven is on my mind .

Heaven  is on  my  mind .
Someday I'll shed this mortal flesh
And fly away to my Heavenly home,
Leaving behind this old world,
And in sin no more will I roam.

The closer I get to that goal,
I think of Heaven more and more.
How will it be when I arrive
Upon that celestial, golden shore?

Yes, the gates are made of pearl,
And the streets are made of gold,
But also God's Word tells us
That the half has never been told.

Will my loved ones meet me there
When I arrive on that glad day,
Or will my Savior greet me first
When I arrive at my home to stay?

Will I have to wait in line
To see my dear Savior's face,
Or will I see Him just shortly
On my arrival in that place?

Am I too Heavenly minded
To be of any earthly good?
I must be about God's business
And work the way I should.

Still, I am so very anxious
To see my dear Savior's face.
I want to thank Him for His love
And for His matchless grace.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !