Friday, July 1, 2011

Your House Of Happiness

Your House of Happiness

Take what God gives , O friend of mind
And build your house of happiness .
Perchance some have been given more ,
But many have been given loss .
The treasure lying at your feet ,
Whose value you but faintly guess ,
Another builder looking on ,
Would barter heaven to possess .
Have you found work that you can do ?
Is there a heart that loves you best ?
Is there a spot somewhere called home ,
Where spent and worn your soul can rest ?

A friend ,a tree, a book , a song ,
A dog ,which loves your hand’s caress ,
A story of health to meat life needs ,
Oh ,build your house of happiness ,
Trust not tomorrow’s dawn to bring
The dreamed of joy which we wait ,
We have enough of pleasant things
To house our souls in goodly state ,
Tomorrow , time’s relentless stream
May bear what now we have away ,
Take what God gives ,O friend ,
And build your house of happiness today.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
God be with you and be safe , remember what important to you

Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Friend

My Friend

I have been shy all my life.

I have had friends, they come and go. Never in all my life did
I realize what a true friend can be until one nice day, and one
nice word changed my life forever.

Two years ago, I found out I have Agoraphobia.
This is a general fear of people and places.
It was a long road to discover this.

I had found out a few years before that I had three lung
diseases and had to leave a long time job I was very proud of.
On the tail of that, I found out I had even more things wrong
with my health, RLS - restless leg syndrome, IBS - irritable
bowel syndrome, and Gerd just to name a few.

Needless to say, life had not been great of late. Many times I
could not even handle the small things, like a shower, a
long overdue visit to my mother or letters which needed to be
sent in a timely manner did not go out in time.

My only joy was my Fiancé. He seemed to understand most of the
time what difficulties I was going through, and excused my dirty
house, lack of home-cooked meals, and he was always helpful when
I needed him. Especially for a shoulder to cry on. You see, I
could not even leave the house very often, because I would get
so much anxiety, I would get sick.

Life was not much fun, and I had no one to come see me most of
the time. I would cry more about my loneliness than anything.
My love would try to calm me.

One day I went outside to water the few plants; I was able to
handle this last year (against the anxiety I have every time I
walk out the door) and I heard someone calling out to me.

My first instinct was to ignore this voice and run back in to
the sanctuary of my home. But for some reason, this time I
responded to the voice by looking up and acknowledging her
words. She was saying, "Hello, my name is Laurie and I was
wondering if you would like to come over and play cards some
time?" Call it instinct or some such thing, because I found
myself shouting back "Sure, love to."

That was only four short months ago, and they have been the
happiest four months of my life! It took me a week or more to
actually come around and get to know her. But once we began to
talk, we realized we would be friends for life.

We are both 38 years old, we went to the same school here in our
home town, we love the same music, and the same food (she is
almost as good as MOM when she cooks!) We both love the same
movies, knick-knacks, camping, fishing, and traveling.

We both say the same things at the same time and have even tried
to pick the same thing up and bumped heads doing so, which sent
us into gails of laughter!

Now I suppose this is only coincidental that we are so much
alike, but I like to think Daddy and God are looking over me,
and they sent me an Angel!

My new found friend was always there. The school we both
attended during the very same years, which was almost twenty-
five years ago and the fact that she has lived across from me
for the last 7 years does not matter now, but sometimes we talk
of all the good times we have missed.

My friend was lonely too you see, so maybe I am her Angel and
her mother and God are looking after her too. I have cried as I
have written this, but for once they are tears of joy. I can
hardly wait for her to come home from work tonight. I know we
will say something at the same time, and laugh like there is no
tomorrow, or plug in a movie and bite our nails together through
the suspense.

It does not matter what we do, as long as I have my ANGEL!

Written by , Lisa Richard

The disciples were sent out two by two.

One can put a thousand to flight, but two can put ten thousand
to flight.

"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life
for his friends."

One my great movie quotes is from "Mahogany."
"Success is nothing without someone you love to share it with."

We all need friends.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Thank you Liza for this , it is a inspiring story . Mary Carpenter is asking for prayer , for herself and son .

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Godly Man

A Godly man
One righteous man
What is he worth ?
Far above all the
diamonds on Earth .
Blessed is the man
Whose God is the Lord
Who lives by His power
and feeds on His Word .
For this man shall prosper
His soul cannot die
His treasures ,the riches
of earth cannot buy .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Remember me in prayer , I am deeply troubled , how a Deacon could attacked his pastor and the church would allow him to still be a Deacon . I am trusting God for this to past . It must break our God heart when we do things like that . I know it breaks mind . My brothers and sisters in Christ the pastor is not me . But when you , my brothers and sisters in Christ are attacked, it hurts me to. If Heaven is not my home , my Lord what would I do , for there times that I don’t feel at home in this world anymore . Please pray for brother Mike Wells , sister Mary Carpenter and Rev. David and Hali Bagwell .

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

God's Wave Length

God’s Wave Length
There’s ever a call that is coming
Over a broadcasting station above ;
Tune in your heart and listen
To God tell of his wonderful love ,
The receiver must be in good order ,
The wires not rusted with sin ;
You won’t need much amplification ,
When His message comes rolling in ,
But if Satan has got into your heart ,
And ruined the works out of spite
Ask God to renew your receiver ;
He’ll give you one that works right ,
Then keep your receiver in order ,
Tuned to God’s own wave length ;
Close the circuit if Satan is calling ,
And God will add much to your strength .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Pray for me !