Friday, February 22, 2008

Jesus calls for Fishermen


After John was put in prison, Jesus
came into Galiee preaching the
gospel of the kingdom of God. saying,
The time is fulfilled and the Kingdom of

God is at hand: repent ye, and be-
lieve the gospel. Now as he walked by
the sea of Gailee, he saw Simon
and Andrew his brother casting a net

into the sea: for they were fishers. And
Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me,
and I will make you to become fishers
of men. And straightway they forsook their nets,

and followed him. And when he had gone a
little farther thence, he saw James the son
of Zebedee, and John his brother, who
also were in the ship mending their nets.

And straightway he called them: and they left their
father Zebedee in the ship with the
hired servants and went after him.

MARK 1: 14

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Jesus is there


When feelings subside and trouble enters your life;
And everyone seems wicked and full of strife.
You need someone to hold on to?
Jesus is there.
Even when sadness enters the scene;
And enthusiasm and excitement become serene.
Jesus is there to hold on to.
Jesus is there. Jesus is there.
When you’re down and troubled and there’s no one to be found;
Jesus is there. Jesus is there.
Even when there is no sound.
Jesus is there. Jesus is there.
Reach out for His hand.
Jesus is there. Jesus is there.
Cry out: “God bless this land! ”
Faith, compassion and emotion fill your heart,
When Jesus is there. When Jesus is there.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Even so,come , Lord Jesus

Even so, come, Lord Jesus

The dead awake. The sleeping rise.
The fatal trumpet blasts the skies.
In dazzling white the Lord descends,
And all of his creation ends.

The quick and dead view him with fear,
As each thought, word, and deed, is clear;
No secrets undiscovered stay,
Nor space, nor worlds; nor time, nor day.

To heaven or hell each soul must fly -
Each body quakes; no eye is dry,
That sees the glory of the Lamb
Of God, great I AM THAT I AM.

The universe trembles in awe
And yields to its Creator's law;
The day has come, it is today
That all the worlds must melt away.

The King of Kings prepares to speak,
All turn towards him, all are weak;
Gabriel's call to wake the dead
Abruptly stops. All is mute dread.

'I came to save you from your crime;
To turn to Me I gave you time
Enough, and more; it is too late
For you to influence now your fate.'

All gaze at Jesus, terrified,
And none their fear of hell need hide,
Nor could they if they would do so,
For He would always all things know.

'Whose name is in the book I hold
(Unopen'd yet) is of the fold:
Whose name is not indited there
Must be condemn'd to grim Despair.'

Each soul at length found its last home,
From where it nevermore would roam;
Some to hell's lonely, fiery heat
And some to a joyful heaven and sweet.

Time rolls away. Use what is left
Before the universe is cleft
Asunder, then to nothingness;
Before your life swift time shall press:

There shall no matter soon exist:
All shall fade into murk and mist;
There shall be neither now nor here
When all becomes for ever clear.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

All About Jesus-Sunday Prayer

All About Jesus-Sunday Prayer

Lord you know where I stand when it comes to loving you.
and for you there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do.

I love you Lord, you gave the most precious gift to me,
giving of your son Jesus on the cross for all to see.

He was beaten brutally, yet never once complained,
instead he asked forgiveness for all of us the same.

His blood spilled as he died upon the cross that day,
a miracle was about to come, Jesus returned to stay.

Jesus lives on in your kingdom and is the ruler of this earth.
Many witnessed on that glorious day, a miraculous rebirth.

I thank you Father God in Heaven for the gift of your son Jesus.
My mind will always rest at ease, knowing He will never leave us.

Thank you this day and every day Lord in the name of your son
Jesus Christ

Monday, February 18, 2008

The cross Jesus Chose

The Cross Jesus Chose

Why on the cross did Jesus choose to die such a wicked death?
And why did He say, 'It is finished' as he breathed His final breath?

How was the temple curtain from the top to the bottom totally rent?
Was Christ the true Messiah whom the Prophets said would be sent?

God's righteous wrath on the cross was really meant for you and I,
But Christ took our punishment as His Father's anger was satisfied.

Not only on the cross did Christ die in the place of you and I,
But through His Blood on the cross, in God's eyes we are justified.

Christ cried, 'It is finished' as Salvation for all was now complete.
Returning to His Glory, at His Father's right hand, He took His Seat.

Yes that day was special, as after the curtain was rent it did fall,
Jesus Christ created total access to not only one nation, but to all.

The cross has been unequaled, as it was God's Grace that they saw,
For Christ was sent for all men, to be the fulfillment of the Law.

Yes, it was The Messiah on the cross, who suffered and truly died,
But the grave could not hold him, for in three days He rose Glorified.

God also gave us two examples that day and both were at his side,
One chose to believe in Jesus while the other just mocked and died.

You can choose to simply die my friend, but you'll suffer forevermore,
Or believe like the thief my friend and live eternally with The Lord.

Senior Living

Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

--2 Corinthians 9:7

When you go to the doctor for your annual checkup, he or she usually takes your temperature, checks your blood pressure, and pokes and prods in places to make sure everything checks out OK. The doctor will ask, “Does this hurt? How about here?”

If you cry out or admit that you are experiencing discomfort in a particular area, one of two things has happened:

The doctor has pushed too hard in that area without the proper sensitivity, or
There is something truly wrong lying beneath the surface.
In much the same way, believers often cry out in discomfort when God pushes us and prods us in sensitive areas of life. And one of these areas is tithing.

When it comes to giving to God, it’s not supposed to be a discomfort for believers. God’s Word says we are to give cheerfully unto Him and without reluctance!

2 Corinthians 9:6 says, “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” Literally, if you withhold from the Lord what He has provided you, then you will not experience His blessings in full. But if you give cheerfully and sacrificially to Him, then He will in return bless you abundantly.

PRAYER CHALLENGE: Dedicate your tithes and offerings to Him, and ask Him to bless them for the furtherance of His Kingdom.