Friday, February 15, 2019


When push comes to shove
in this game of life
and there never seems quiet enough...
when you're there in the crosshairs
of Satan's sights
and life has become so tough
when it's all said and done
and it's time to go
seems life's been only a puff
ask yourself if you're in love with God
or just in love with His stuff

Thursday, February 14, 2019

The Passing Of Time

The Passing Of Time

TIME passes. Not in incremental stages
but flows continuously through the ages,
making history of each fleeting moment
as it brings the future into the present.

Rolling ever onward at the speed of light; 
heralding brand new visons with its flight.
How Time began and just how it will end
this mortal man cannot comprehend.

So before the immortal God I bow,
Who, ever dwells in the Eternal Now.
For Space and Time my days define
but this is not so with God the Divine.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Moment by Moment with Him

Moment by Moment with Him

Sometimes we so easily forget,
How unpredictable our lives may be,
We make plans for our tomorrows and our futures,
Not realizing they could change instantly,

Then one day, you wake up, and it happens,
Something occurs that's not at all like you've planned,
Your life has now taken a new direction,
And it may be difficult for you to understand.

God never promised that we'd never have struggles,
That there would always be sunshine and not rain,
But He said He'd never leave nor forsake us,
And with His presence we will forever be sustained.

When God takes us from the height of the mountain,
And then places us in the valley of despair,
It's here we can learn total dependence,
Upon the One who will always be there.

Oftentimes it's only through the midst of the trials,
We see God works in ways we'd never have dreamed,
He accomplishes so much beyond our understanding,
And now things may not be at all what they'd seemed.

We may not know why God allowed such a hardship,
We must learn to trust in the One who knows best,
For our future is seen by Him only,
And in Him we can confidently rest.

So when the unexpected may arise in our lifetime,
And the way God is leading seems dim,
May we face it not ONE DAY at a time,
But instead, MOMENT BY MOMENT with Him.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Wise Men

Wise Men

What sort of gift befits a King
What gift will with His glory ring
What matchless, precious, priceless thing
Could one to the Lord Jesus bring

The brightest prize of earth grows dim
When near the shining eyes of Him
Who quite without reluctance grim
Left angel choir and seraphim

The glories of His throne on high
The presence of His Father nigh
To heed the restless, helpless cry
of earthly sinner, you and I

So what can any one bestow
That lets the King of Glory know
What is the proper way to show
the length or breadth that one would go

To demonstrate one’s gratitude
For being “in Him” blameless viewed
Express one’s heartfelt attitude
Or show commitment’s been renewed

The gift of time could be returned
Its not deserved it wasn’t earned
For kingdom use the candle burned
And not so frivolously spurned

Employ one’s talents for the Lord
The gifts He gave one can’t afford
To keep so selfishly adored
Yea, rather let it be outpoured

Be quick to bring your treasures too
The ones you thought you’d keep for you
the needs are great and not a few
His promise of the harvest true!

These gifts the Wise Men laid before
The keeper of the treasure store
And wise one too who will implore
The King for wisdom to give more

No Heavenly Tollgates

No Heavenly Tollgates

I'll not enter heaven with money, but I'll go in with people,
Those belonging to a body of One, not a building with a steeple.
If I gain earthly treasures, whenever I die, I'll leave them behind,
Having used it wisely in not letting it make me spiritually blind.

Material wealth gained here won't make a difference for eternity,
Jesus came, not for worldly gain, but to release sin's hold on me.
As I depart this life, my earthly goods will remain where they lie,
They'll never corrupt my heavenly home in that sweet by and by.

Money is not evil, it's the love of it making it a dangerous affair,
When greed and jealousy arise, replacing the love that was there.
Destroying friendships that have been flourishing for many years,
As that need for the power of wealth overshadows a plea of tears.

Material wealth can also cause separation between God and man,
Gaining control, inflicting spiritual blindness as nothing else can.
God provides me money to pay those bills and buy the food I eat,
Jesus provides the forgiveness that I need to walk heaven's street.