Friday, May 1, 2015

If only I could touch the hem of His garment

If only I could touch the hem of His garment

For many years I have sought to be healed.
Paid doctors’ fees and to the priests appealed
But alas all my efforts were in vain
And I did not think I’d get well again.

I’d love to touch the hem of His garment
It will only take the briefest moment.
With this crowd of people no-one would see
Just one touch would be enough to heal me.

The people were jostling around so much
so there, unnoticed I reached out to touch.
Then it happened. I felt the healing stream
enter me, fulfilling my wildest dream.

I had reached out in faith and touched the Lord
There was no need to speak or say a word
For even in the crowded street that day
Jesus had healed me when He passed my way

I praise My God and of His Glory sing
He’s my Saviour
and my Lord and King
True healing of body happened to me.
When I came to Jesus He set me free.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Matthew 9:20-22 20 And behold, a woman who had suffered from a discharge of blood for twelve years came up behind him and touched the fringe of his garment, 21 for she said to herself, “If I only touch his garment, I will be made well.” 22 Jesus turned, and seeing her he said, “Take heart, daughter; your faith has made you well.” And instantly[a] the woman was made well.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Where would I be without the cross?

Where would I be without the cross?

I went to the cross again in despair
and knelt down at the feet of Jesus there.
“It is me, dear Lord and I've come once more.”
(For I had been there many times before!)

“I know my child,” Jesus then said to me,
“But I am so glad that you've come to Me.
My love for you is unconditional
and I will always hear you when you call.”

“My Lord,” I said, “How ever can this be
that you should show such wondrous love to me.
For I am always weak and prone to sin
and I am feeling so dreadful within.”

Then Jesus said, “My child, Look upon Me.”
So I gazed into His eyes and could see
that the love of God was shining inside
as He hung there with His arms opened wide.

“My love is poured out for everyone
who comes before Me just like you have done.
“For there could be no other way for Me
to forgive you and then to set you free.”

“My Lord, my God,” my soul cried out in shame
as the tears flooded from my eyes again
“Such wondrous love is undeserved by me
for I was born of clay and misery.”

Where would I ever be without the cross?
All weighed down with my load of sin and dross
and left struggling against unnumbered foes.
Without my Saviour’s love and full of woes

Praise God for the cross of Jesus Christ
For His love and wonderful sacrifice
For the victory that that my Lord has won
For the new life that I have now begun

Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The last Journey has begun

The last Journey has begun

Their eyes were heavy for they needed sleep
and they were unable their watch to keep.
Jesus had walked further along the way
and found some solitude so He could pray

“Father, if it is possible,” said He
“Will You please take this cup away from me?”
“But if not, then You know that I will do
all that is required and will obey You.”

Then He began to sweat great drops of blood
in great anguish of soul before His God.
Three times Jesus prayed the very same way
and three times His disciples in sleep lay.

The journey to Calvary had begun
for God the Father's obedient Son.
As the early sun had opened the day
Judas His betrayer was on his way.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Hope's Core

Hope's Core

This constant coming to grips with our mortality
Compels us not to think more highly of ‘me’ than we ought
The shell that we inhabit only temporarily
Houses something we cannot see but should give earnest thought

Ignorance and denial of its presence cannot null
The inevitable of someday, face to face with He
Who breathed into mortal a Soul; this, imperishable
Yet none can expose it by microscopic scrutiny

And should we, cell by cell dissect, this skin and bone dust-tent
Still, none after thorough exam could utter, ‘there it is’
Where half-breath separation between flesh and Soul advent
Should stir a reassessment of the things that fill our days

The Son of God did not lay down His life to save mere flesh
But Deity wore flesh and died to save man's soul; Hope's Core
For death is hell but Life which He gives through His righteousness
Is Heaven in the presence of God's love forevermore
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Monday, April 27, 2015

Not Me & Not You

Not Me & Not You

I may be old fashioned and that's why I'm shunned,
so don't stare there gawking, confused and so stunned.

Don't judge me because of my deafness and age.
Don't judge me because I may seem disengaged.

Don't judge me because of my old wrinkled face.
Don't judge me because I still live in this place.

Don't judge me because of the place where I work,
whether a bus-boy, a cashier or clerk.

Don't judge me because you've more money than I.
Don't judge me because I will frequently cry.

Don't judge me because of my father or mother,
my country, my neighbors, my sister or brother.

Don't judge my defining complete families,
one father, one mother with full liberties.

Don't judge me because of the car that I drive.
Don't judge me because I don't lie and connive.

Don't judge me because I'm no drunk or narcotic,
but proud and committed and most patriotic.

Don't judge me because I'll defend our top law,
our God-given rights that I hold up in awe.

Don't judge me when tears 'well up' into my eyes
whenever there's terror- as each child dies.

Don't judge me because I respect unborn life
and give of my morsels to slow down the strife.

Don't judge me because I've so little to give.
Don't judge me because I've so few years to live.

Don't judge me because of the morals you lack.
May modesty, love and respect return back.

Don't judge me because I will do no one harm.
Don't judge me because I live on a small farm.

Don't judge me because of the clothes that I wear.
Don't judge me because you will not hear me swear.

Don't judge me because I might be a bit shy,
don't envy your assets, cheat, steal or lie.

Don't judge me because I have faith in my God.
Don't judge me that day when I lie under sod.

Do you love your money, your laughter and fun?
Have you fed the hungry? Hmm, what have you done?

Don't judge me because you have food on your shelf,
but look in the mirror and then judge yourself.

Look into your eyes- deep into your soul-
and see if there isn't one speck of dark coal.

Admit to yourself and Creator above
that 'things' are but idols that pilfer your love.

Repent of your selfishness, envy and pride,
then give up your greed and embrace Heaven's side.

 Contentment , you'll find, as your burdens decrease.
When Jesus comes into your heart, you'll find peace.

Don't face it, ignore it, but life ends. It's true.
And God will be judging. Not me not you .

Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !