Saturday, June 30, 2018

Independence Day Traditions

Independence Day Traditions

Every Fourth of July in the USA,
We have a national celebration.
On that date in seventeen-seventy-six,
We became an independent nation.

The Declaration of Independence
Declared our nation to be free.
We were no longer part of England.
An independent nation we would be.

We celebrate with sparkling fireworks,
And we have parades and picnics too.
We have concerts and baseball games,
And we wear our red, white, and blue.

Barbecues, watermelons, and ice cream
Help to make the Fourth a festive day.
American flags fly for everyone to see.
Our national colors, we want to display.

Like a patriot, I love America, my home.
I try to pray for her each and every day.
I pray for God to guide her many leaders,
And I pray for God to bless the USA.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Would I

Would I?

I’d rather be weak and endlessly seek
His glory and power within.
I’d rather confess my weakness and mess
So Jesus will cover my sin.

I’d rather be still and bow to his will
Than race to eternity blind.
I’d rather have loss and carry my cross
While leaving my treasures behind.

I’d rather be poor and begging for more
Than gaining the riches of earth.
I’d rather have love from heaven above,
A treasure of much greater worth.

I’d rather have Christ who once sacrificed
And gave up his heavenly throne.
I’d rather repent of selfish intent
For I will not make it alone.

I’d rather forgive for in Him I live
Since Heaven forgave all I’ve done.
I’d rather forget than live with regret.
I’ll trust in the grace of His Son.

I’d rather proclaim His glorious name
For rocks will cry out if I don’t.
I’d rather be bold and break evil’s hold
For hopeless they’ll be if I won’t.

I’d rather have life instead of this strife
From straining and fighting for more.
I’d rather entrust my life to the Just
And share in His grace evermore.

I’d rather not see if all life will be
Are paintings in pale monochrome.
I’d rather depart with yearning of heart
And have my Lord welcome me home.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Passing

The passing of one, a friend.
Deep sorrows come in the end.
We don’t understand why.
Just yesterday I said, “Hi”.

The Father though has all in His hand.
We but trust, though fail to understand.
My friend had children and a wife!
How shall they move on in the strife?

God’s love beyond all measure,
My comfort, this hidden treasure!
We but trust He’s in full control,
As through life we each take our stroll.

His Son on a cross He gave,
The flag of His love did wave!
His blood our pure covering
That takes away all stumbling.

The Father Himself knows our pain,
On these tragic days of rain.
My friend I shall see again.
In heaven around life’s bend.
James 1:12
Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.
See you on the other  side  
Carolyn  Boggs  Horn

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Encouraging Words

Encouraging Words

I heard your word, you change my heart
You painted it new like glorious art!
You poured your love upon my head
And gave new life when I was dead!

You who looked with compassionate eyes,
You saw my tears and heard my cries.
Your love for me so deep, so strong.
It overshadows all pain, all wrong!

Your treasures all mine, joy and peace,
Do fill my heart, contentions now cease.
Your grace and mercy are mine forever!
Your work in love a glorious endeavor!

Your kindness and goodness on me poured out,
You conquered death with a glorious rout!
These promises from You, Your word has spoken.
A promise from You will never be broken!

I’m now engulfed by encouraging Words.
They lift my heart, it sours like birds!
These gifts from You of life & love,
My God who is my heavenly dove!
Ephesians 3:18-19 ...(so that you may) grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge "that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.