Saturday, August 29, 2015

Every Day Hope

Every Day Hope

Every day I find myself,
in the need for more hope
so I turn to my Bible . . .
for insights to help me cope.

Without its encouragement,
I know I would faint away
for tomorrow will surely bring . . .
more troubles than today.

Whenever I am struggling,
with what I should do . . .
I turn to the Scriptures
till my confidence grows anew.

The Bible persuades me,
to trust with all my heart
I gain security in knowing
Jesus from me, will never part.

Every day I find myself,
learning how to daily cope . . .
for each day I read all about
the reasons behind my hope!
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !
Jeremiah 17:7

” Blessed is the man that trusteth
in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord

Friday, August 28, 2015

True Love

True Love

So many things in body / soul
are empty, undefined -
but read this poem carefully,
and answers you may find.

The knowledge of the Love of God,
comes through in loving stages -
so see if you can find a clue -
within this couple's ages...


The couple faced each other close,
while standing toe to toe.
The clear new day was very young.
They had no place to go.

His right hand held her left hand and,
His left hand held her right.
He slid a daisy through her hair.
She was a pretty sight.

The springtime breezes did not quell
the sun's most warmest rays.
As ocean waves kept rolling in,
they held the longest gaze.

Her face was like a sunshine's glow.
Her toes sank in the sand.
Her hair flipped in the open breeze.
Her fingers squeezed his hand.

Some folks had paused and stared a bit
when softly came the kiss -
but never would the moment pass,
a moment quite like this.

And with these two, that special time
would never go away -
for faithful is that one true love.
There is no better way.

So scenic was the sandy beach,
so beautiful, the pair -
yet only God creates true love
created perfect there.

Now just in case you're wondering,
what ages they could be...
Well, she's but two years younger than
his age of Seventy-three.

So if assumptions, you had made -
in story told above -
you may have also missed the mark,
of true Agape Love.

Therefore, question all the writings,
discovered here and there,
that often miss the God of Love -
the hearer of each prayer.

And don't have shallow notions or,
wear blinders to 'believe' -
or come to some conclusion that
some well-known 'experts' weave.

Sometimes we think we know it all,
when several facts we weigh -
but we do not create the God
who loves us every day.
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless !
This is  for you  Mom and  Dad  { Hazel  and  Lonnie  Bagwell ]
Mother  birthday would  have been  Sept  15  she  would have  been 97
I will always  miss you  and  I will  see  you  to  Heaven !

Thursday, August 27, 2015

There's a place

There's a place

Close your eyes and let your imagination
To a place that you may one day call
A land where you only think it comes in
a dream.
But actually it's the most beautiful
place you have ever seen.

There's a land that is far away,
A land I want to go and live someday.
A place I long to be,
Jesus said he was going away to prepare
it for me.

A land where I'll never grow old,
A place where I can rest my weary soul.
A land where all my tears will cease,
A land filled with love, joy and peace.

A land flowing with milk and honey,
A place where I don't have to worry
anymore about a house, car or
A land where sickness and pain will
no longer abide,
A land where I can walk and talk with
Jesus physically by my side.
A land with no more drugs or homeless
people sleeping on the street.
No more hunger or people without shoes
on their feet.

In order to make it to this land,
You have to hold to Gods unchanging hand.
Read and do Gods holy word,
Don't go by what you see or what you
have heard.
If you go by what the bible say,
Then you will see that beautiful land
one day.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Despair to Peace

Despair to Peace

Do you ever feel rather lost and alone �
Family and friends living lives of their own,
That no one knows what you're going through,
Whether real or imagined, it seems real to you?

Life can be hard with it bruises and blows,
And you've tried hard not to let them show.
But there's hope if you're feeling down in this way
For God gave you a gift you can receive today.

God said He would never leave you alone.
So He sent His Son, Jesus, from His heavenly throne,
To come here and provide salvation for your soul
And take the fragments of your life and make you whole.

There's only one way to go from despair to peace
And that's by asking Jesus into your heart for release
From the guilt of your sins you've committed against Him,
So the gift of His Spirit can freely come in.

God's gift of salvation can mend any heart,
And your outlook on life will have a fresh start.
He'll wrap you in warmth and in His arms you'll know
His love is forever, and He will never let you go.
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless !

I  do  loved  you  Father God !!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

How Do You Know God Loves Us?

How Do You Know God Loves Us?

Just the other day I heard a little boy ask
How do you know God loves us, as his mom's hand he clasped
His mommy said, have you seen the pretty setting sun
And the bright orange glow as a new day has begun

Look at moonbeams dancing across the pond
And the shooting stars out in the dark beyond
See the flowers that clothe the world
All of God's beauty that is unfurled

Look at your puppy who playfully yips and barks
Listen to the song of the meadow larks
Watch gentle snowflakes as through the air they fly
And see a color filled rainbow across the sky

Feel mommy's loving arms hold you tight
Hear me whisper, I love you with all my might
See your daddy and little sister at play
And see the closeness of our family as we kneel to pray

God gave us His creations from up above
Through His awesome glory and His amazing love
Everything on this earth He created out of love for you and me
Our families and friends, a gentle touch, kind words and all the beauty that we see!

It all says I love you so very very much
Every hug and encouragement you hear is part of God's touch
You never ever have to doubt God's love for you
For everywhere you look, His love comes shining through!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Monday, August 24, 2015

The Meaning of Love

The Meaning of Love

Love is not just in the giving of gifts;
It is having the gift of giving.
Love is not just in sharing secrets;
It is knowing the secret to sharing.

Love is not just a love undying;
It is willing to die for the one you love.
Love is not just in loving a brother;
It is showing everyone brotherly love.

Love is not just in saying what you mean;
It is having meaning to what you say.
Love is not just in the way you live;
It is showing others how to live the Way.

Love is not just in coping with others;
It is showing others how to cope.
Love is not just hope in each other;
It is each other finding the true Hope.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Sunday, August 23, 2015

No Delays

No Delays

The conditions are always favorable for those who're heaven bound,
No matter if there's lots of fog or piles of snow covering the ground.
There will be smooth sailing, that is after the final call is made,
Then tickets won't be necessary because the fare's already been paid.

Preparations for this journey are different from those taken in the past,
For the ones who are making it, know it'll be their best and their last.
They'll not worry about leaving things behind whenever they depart,
After all, they only take the truths they have stored in their heart.

This journey's available and affordable to all people, there's no fee,
It has been paid for by a Sinless Man Who died upon Calvary's Tree.
He was The Son of God, Who came to save sinners from a sea of sin,
The blood He shed will open heaven's doors, allowing them to go in.

Many saints have already taken this journey in those times gone by,
Safely in Jesus' arms and never again having to face Satan's lie.
If they could send us a message, I believe it'd be something like this,
To all who will listen, heaven's the one place you cant afford to miss.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!