Saturday, September 5, 2020

The root of the problem


The root of the problem

To maintain a beautiful garden
the weeds you'll have to pull
not only on the surface
but the roots deep down below.

To be a shinning servant
the sin will have to go
not only on the surface
but the heart deep below.

The Bible talks about bitterness
take a look at Hebrews 12::15
if that's the root of your problem
be assured your weeds can be seen.

Deep inside there's lots of anger
some bitterness and hate
as you confess all this to Jesus
weeds and roots he'll gladly take.

Friday, September 4, 2020

There Is No Want For Love


There Is No Want For Love

There is no want for love in the saviour
No lack nor hunger pang unmet will be
No sadness nor pain, of bittersweet flavour
Finds solace but blessing upon Calvary

Through vast distant years of time and space
The cross of Christ was lifted on high
The love of God speaks in every place
Declaring to mankind, "Salvation is nigh!"

By perfect atonement of death on a cross
His shedding of priceless, redeeming blood
All that was gain to Him, He counted loss
Purchased eternal life as Son of God

Such agony suffered in full sacrifice
He laid down His life so that many may live
Unloved and rejected, men Him did despise
Knew not the great pow'r of His love to forgive

Suff'ring and pain were the high price He paid
Deep sorrow and anguish He chose to endure
In truest expression unspoken, unsaid
In dying a pardon to us did secure

When the world suffers for want of love
Weary and hollowed men strive without cease
A heaven-blest answer to us from above
Is beauty and truth and unspeakable peace

This anthem of love shall sweetly resound
The people hear music the blessed shall sing
By laws of true kindness each man shall be bound
In loving each other show love for their king

All peoples of God, from each tribe and tongue
Rejoicing beneath the Majesty's throne
Bowing before Him in worship and song
Bonded in love and together made one

No faction or joint shall God's people divide
No sliver of doubt hinder our happy sight
All races, all peoples, all difference beside
In the cross children of God shall unite

There is no want for love in the saviour
No longing or hunger He need satisfy
No sadness we bear, as joyful we savour
For want of our love, God Him did crucify

Matthew 6:25-34 - verse 34 - But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Beneath That Old Cross


Beneath That Old Cross

Your grace draws me to You as I have observed.
But I linger often. It's so undeserved.
Your love overwhelms me, Your strength holds me tight,
forgiveness is calling but guilt is my plight.

Effects of my sins are embossed in hard stone.
I cannot undo them. I can't, not alone.
A carp without fin or a crow without wing,
I try as I might but can't fix anything.

Regret is the shadow I cannot outrun,
I cannot erase it or kill it with gun.
I cry for your blessings to shower as rain,
on those I have hurt so that peace they obtain.

Please hold them and guard them and don't let them fall,
then bless me with life that is pleasing to all.
Reminded of what I have put others through,
I so need forgiveness, but leave that to You.

I cry out in anguish. I cry out in shame.
I know life is real and cry out Your name.
Please shake me of old days and don't let them kill
a future of loving and doing 'Your will'.

Immersed in contrition as life goes along,
dear Lord, please forgive me for all I've done wrong.
Your grace, so sufficient, Your love, so immense,
was proven at Cal'vry at Your great expense.

Please bury my burdens and bury my guilt,
beneath that old cross where Your blood had been spilt.
Remembering all You still do from above,
my tears now replace these mere words with my love.

Monday, August 31, 2020

A Miracle Each Morning


A Miracle Each Morning

The beauty of the morning
With nature not quite awake
And the trees quietly yawing
While a gentle breeze shakes
And the leaves bravely winking
In the cool morning mist
Awakes a bird to singing
A song of praise on its lips
And in the hush of first rays
A morning sun gives light
Laying to bed the cooling haze
And a greeting from the night
But the greeting not a blaze
But in the calm of first light
The Creator introduces day
In the still quiet voice of His might

But mankind slowly arises
Not aware of the sight
But thinking of all he prizes
The new day becomes a fight
And not sure what he is missing
And why his life is not right
He stumbles as though listing
In an ocean fraught with fright
Because each morning he misses
The miracles which just might
Awaken all of his senses
To his infinite Maker's insight

1 Kings 19:1-18

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

 Removal of Your Dross

With removal of your dross,
comes a time of God's refinement.
It's when taking up your cross
is a tough and new assignment.
Yet the painful overwhelming,
with removal of your dross,
is an effort to rid something
in your life that's needing loss.
So when your heart feels cut across
and the openness revealing,
with removal of your dross,
know it's needful for your healing.
When the trial has concluded,
wipe the tears of shiny gloss.
Thankful future pain's eluded,
with removal of your dross.
dross • \DRAHSS\ • noun. 1 : the scum that forms on the surface of molten metal 2 : waste or foreign matter : impurity 3 : something that is base, trivial, or inferior.

Monday, August 24, 2020




Abraham heard the voice of God as He spoke from a bush aflame,
He said, "I am that I am. You shall know Me by this Name.
I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.
Your Creator, Father, Savior, as well as faithful Friend.
I am the Vine and you the branch, if you abide in Me,
Eternal life is given to you, for My blood has set you free.
Only the Name of Jesus can unlock heaven's door,
And allow you entrance to the Paradise hoped for.
My return is fast approaching, the day of the Lion and Lamb.
So be ready to receive me, I am the Great I Am!"

Sunday, August 23, 2020


A Song

I’ve a word, yet unheard,
on the tip of my tongue.
Hope to soon add a tune,
for it’s meant to be sung.
Though it’s late, still I wait
for the splinter of time
when a note, what I wrote,
meet in musical rhyme.

Then I sigh, “How can I
form a song to convey?”
Here and now I will bow,
meet the Lord as I pray.
I’ll inquire, He’ll inspire
like He’s done all along.
With a note, what we wrote,
We’ll compose such a song.

Sounding sweet with a beat,
rap-a-tap on the drum.
Chorus sings, hear the strings
and the chords being strum.
Strike the keys, ivories;
play like never before.
Let the sound so resound
that our spirits will sour.

What’s the chance we could dance
when immersed in this song?
Who could say if we sway
our expression is wrong?
Don’t be coy, it’s our joy
breaking free of restraint.
Risen arm, what’s the harm
in a worshiping saint.

A single tear then finds its way along
The corner of my eye and down my face,
For through the words and music of this song
I clearly see my Saviors’ wondrous grace..

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Blessings for Obedience


Blessings for Obedience

No carvings of statues nor idols of stone;
I am the Lord God to be bowed to alone.
Remember my Sabbaths, they can't be ignored;
revere where I'm worshiped for I am your Lord.​

If you will obey my decrees and commands,
then I will send seasonal rains through your lands.
The crops from the ground will produce such a yield,
and trees will bear riches of fruit in your field.

Your threshing will last till your grapes have been grown,
your grape harvest lasting till grain has been sown.
And you will eat all of the bread you can stand,
while living both safe and secure in your land.

I'll give the land peace so you'll lie down at night
and sleep without trouble and worry or fright.
The dangerous beasts -- I'll remove them for you;
​your land will not witness the sword passing through.

Your enemies will be exhaustively chased,
and they will be felled by the sword and laid waste.
Five chasing a hundred, a hundred pursue
ten thousand -- your enemies slain before you.

My favor on you will make you multiply,
confirming my compact between you and I.
You still will be eating from last harvest's store,
which you'll need to clear out to make room for more.

Among you my dwelling place I will erect,
and you, in my soul, will I never reject.
And I'll walk among you -- be your God, divine;
and you as a people will ever be mine.

I am the Lord God, who from Egypt has saved
and freed you from those who would keep you enslaved.
I've broken the bars of the yoke that you wore
and freed you to walk with head high evermore.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The Values We Hold


The Values We Hold

Sex appeal, money, power and gold
The only things valued, or so we've been told
By members of parliament, peasants and lords,
By businessmen, beggars and marauding hoards.

So much for ideals of commitment and friends
And the folks who would willingly go to the ends
Of the planet to aid other people they know
And on whom they had chosen their word to bestow.

Everything's changed proclaim pundits and scribes
We've unwisely appointed as leaders and guides;
From foundational truths we were taught long ago
To our basic ideals we're now taught to forgo.

From unchallenged truths we had always embraced
We have come to adopt a form sorely debased.
We have strayed from original precepts we've held;
Our claim to the high road's no longer upheld.

As a people we wander, we aimlessly drift
Direction less, lost in a sea now bereft
Of the clear moral compass we formally used;
And longitude, latitude now seem confused.

From where does our moral ineptitude come?
Is it Hollywood, Broadway, the standards of some
Governmental committees whose members decreed
That our outdated rules we no longer must heed?

And what can our future conceivably hold
As summarily we discard all we have sold
Of our most basic mores, our firm moral base,
And our hope in retaining our undeserved grace?

Poor fools who cry out in a bleak wilderness
To oblivious morons who couldn't care less
Like the prophets before them and those who come late
Those who dare to speak out now will all share their fate.

So what can be done now to deal with this tale
Of ephemeral loyalties, values for sale
And the narcissists caught in their self centered greed
While oblivious to any precepts or creed?

No matter what others decide or decree
I can and I must make decisions for me.
I'll try to choose wisely, ignoring the cost
And I'll not be a part of the multitudes lost!

The Man in the middle


The Man in the middle

One on the right
One on the left
The One in the middle
Will take His last breath

Accusations will fly
From one to the other
While the One in the middle
Listens as He suffers

Hours of bickering
Who was the worst
While the One in the middle
Was taking their curse

He's done nothing wrong
Said the one on the right
While the One in the middle
Shined like a light

The other one cursed
And mocked without care
While the One in the middle
Felt his despair

He turned to the other
With love in His eyes
And said today you will be with Me
In paradise

One of the thieves
Made the right choice
Then the One in the middle
Lifted his voice

The people around us
Listened and heard
The One in the middle
Say His last word

It is finished
It is done
The price has been payed
Forever has been won

Right there beneath Him
I finally see
The Man in the middle
He did this for me️

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

On the Sea of Bended Knee


On the Sea of Bended Knee

Father, I can hardly wait,
until I see the sea
of every single knee
bowing down to Thee.

The vision is so clear,
as each soul accounts
if, to You they were . . .
rebellious or devout.

Father, I can hear it now,
the hum of every tongue
singing You're the only God
there is no other one.

The sound is so sobering,
as each soul proclaims
what they did or didn’t do
to bring glory to Your name.

Father, I can hardly wait,
for the day when I will see
every soul praising You . . .
on the sea of bended knee!

Romans 14:11-12

"For it is written, As I live,
saith the Lord,
every knee shall bow to me,
and every tongue shall confess to God.

So then every one of us shall
give account of himself to God."

King James Version
Public Domain

Monday, August 17, 2020

Morning Devotion


Morning Devotion

Creator of the morning light,
My joy by day, my peace at night,
My everlasting hope and friend,
Your loving kindness has no end.

Creator of the morning light,
the earth and all the stars of night,
To you, so perfect in you're ways,
I pledge my heart and give you praise.

Creator of the morning light,
You're my desire, my soul's delight.
My Lord, my God, my only King,
My worship to your throne I bring.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

How beautiful Heaven must be


  1. We read of a place that’s called heaven,
    It’s made for the pure and the free;
    These truths in God’s Word He hath given,
    How beautiful heaven must be.
    • How beautiful heaven must be,
      Sweet home of the happy and free;
      Fair haven of rest for the weary,
      How beautiful heaven must be.
  2. In heaven no drooping nor pining,
    No wishing for elsewhere to be;
    God’s light is forever there shining,
    How beautiful heaven must be.
  3. Pure waters of life there are flowing,
    And all who will drink may be free;
    Rare jewels of splendor are glowing,
    How beautiful heaven must be.
  4. The angels so sweetly are singing,
    Up there by the beautiful sea;
    Sweet chords from their gold harps are ringing,
    How beautiful heaven must be.

Friday, August 14, 2020




There came that day when life was grey,
Christ's light did shine on me.

His blood did cure sin's guilt for sure,
He set this captive free!

When I was lost, and storm waved tossed
His light my path He lit.

For Christ my Lord, sin's gap did ford,
that darken place, sin's pit.

The work He did, sin's guilt He rid,
My Lord, He conquered all.

With mercy eyes, through tears and cries
my helpless state He saw.

For I was dead, a captive led,
this world, its ways and wants.

Yes, trapped was I, He heard my cry,
I'm freed of Satan's taunts.

So He's the one, my freedom won,
His blood my gifted cover.

The work all His, great God who IS!
His love has won me over!

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Beneath That Old Cross


Beneath That Old Cross

Your grace draws me to You as I have observed.
But I linger often. It's so undeserved.
Your love overwhelms me, Your strength holds me tight,
forgiveness is calling but guilt is my plight.

Effects of my sins are embossed in hard stone.
I cannot undo them. I can't, not alone.
A carp without fin or a crow without wing,
I try as I might but can't fix anything.

Regret is the shadow I cannot outrun,
I cannot erase it or kill it with gun.
I cry for your blessings to shower as rain,
on those I have hurt so that peace they obtain.

Please hold them and guard them and don't let them fall,
then bless me with life that is pleasing to all.
Reminded of what I have put others through,
I so need forgiveness, but leave that to You.

I cry out in anguish. I cry out in shame.
I know life is real and cry out Your name.
Please shake me of old days and don't let them kill
a future of loving and doing 'Your will'.

Immersed in contrition as life goes along,
dear Lord, please forgive me for all I've done wrong.
Your grace, so sufficient, Your love, so immense,
was proven at Cal'vry at Your great expense.

Please bury my burdens and bury my guilt,
beneath that old cross where Your blood had been spilt.
Remembering all You still do from above,
my tears now replace these mere words with my love.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Shining Star

 Shining Star

The angels looked down from heaven one night.
They searched for miles afar,
And deep within the distance
They could see a shining star.

They knew that very instant
That the star was theirs to gain,
So they took you up to heaven,
Forever to remain.

Look down on us from heaven.
Keep us free from hurt and pain.
You'll always be within my heart
Until we meet again.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

'Go Rest High On That Mountain'


'Go Rest High On That Mountain' 

I know your life
On earth was troubled
And only you could know the pain
You weren't afraid to face the devil
You were no stranger to the rain

Go rest high on that mountain
Son, you work on earth is done
Go to heaven a shoutin'
Love for the Father and Son

Oh, how we cried the day you left us
We gathered round your grave to grieve
I wish I could see the angels faces
When they hear your sweet voice sing

Go rest high on that mountain
Son, you work on earth is done
Go to heaven a shoutin'
Love for the Father and Son

You're safely home in the arms of Jesus
Eternal life, my brother's found
The day will come I know I'll see him
In that sacred place, on that holy ground

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep

 Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep

Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there; I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.

When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there; I did not die.


Out With the Old, In With the New


Out With the Old, In With the New

From the very beginning, God knew in advance
who would worship his son and conform.
The predestined have chosen -- though all have that chance;
of their brothers, they chose the firstborn.

As we look on his Son, we can see God's intent
and his purpose in all that he's made.
Christ was made in God's image one thousand percent
and the firstborn of all that's displayed.

So have we, in the image of God, been designed
to rule over the land, sky and sea;
don the likeness of God, leave your old self behind
​and be righteous and holy as he.

Seize this new way of life -- one renewed from inside,
and await for what God has in store!
Let the Lord's Spirit work to make you sanctified,
so his glory reflects even more.

Because this is the secret: that Christ lives in you;
every part of your old life must go.
So, its out with the old and its in with the new
for the greatest thrill you'll ever know.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Happy Birthday to me.
Today begins the first day of another age.
For me, I want to taste life like it is new.
Let the sun remind me of how beautiful life is
May the rainbow bring colors of laughter to me
So years from now I will grow like a baby.
Happy birthday to me.

. If today was a fabric
Then it will have all the colours of happiness
For I was born on such a day to smile
To be happy for the gift of life.
For the blessings that guide me
So I echo through history anew.

Today comes with a new feeling
Maybe it’s because a star sparkled today.
Yes, I sparkled in the sky of life.
May this birthday always remind me that life inspires
And lift me to heights of joy, laughter and love.
Happy birthday to me.

4. How do I not wake today with such ease?
When of course I was born on such a day
A day filled with the sun looking like me
As I shine through a new page.
On this day I feel like a new seed again
To grow into life like a baby
So I enjoy every bit of it.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

A Perfect Day

             A Perfect Day

God stretches out His loving hand
         His blessings to bestow ,
And guides us in our daily lives
         Because He loves us so .

He fills our hearts with joy and peace
        We’re always in His care ,
He knows our every need and want
        And answers every prayer ,

He heals all pain and solves all ills
      Which often come our way ,
His grace shines down upon us all
      To create a perfect day .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !             



  Search into the garden
Of  your soul and you will find
   A gem of priceless beauty
Like a jewel that’s most divine .

    Meditate in silence
And with each breath release
A faith that’s filled with magic
And a magic filled with peace …

For in your quiet moment
  You will surely visualize
That in this rest of peacefulness
   God will unveil a prize .

A prize that’s been unnoticed
Like a jewel that has been lost
  But now in silent meditation
You can hear His faint response .

Like a choir of angels singing
For we mortals here below
If we take the time to listen
His miraculous touch will flow .

Flow free from every corner
     The invitation’s clear
If you take the time to listen
Then God’s music you will hear .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

1 Corinthians 13

1 Corinthians 13

Though I speak in the language of angels above,
Or each nation and race in their tongue;
Though my head knows the words -- yet my heart has no love,
I am noise -- like a cymbal or gong.

Though I forecast the future and fathom the past,
And all riddles, by me, are laid bare;
Though my faith is a faith that moves mountains -- alas,
Without love, I have nothing to share.

Though I give all I have to the hungry and poor,
And my body is burned in the flame;
Though I give everything and can give nothing more,
Without love, I have nothing to claim.

For it's patient and gentle -- love strives to abide,
It's not jealous, malicious, or rude.
And it boasts not and brags not -- is empty of pride,
It's not petty, offensive or crude.

And it does not keep records of wrongs -- or of rights,
Love is trusting and kind and is good.
And it can't be provoked into quarrels or fights
But rejoices when truth's understood.

Love endures all, and bears all, believes all it hears,
And it hopes all -- and ever will last.
But if prophecies rise -- they shall all disappear;
And if knowledge or tongues -- they shall pass.

What we know of the whole is a very small piece,
And we prophesy only a part.
When perfection is come imperfection will cease --
Only then will our true knowledge start.

As a child I had reasoned like most children do,
And I spoke with a childish mind;
Now that I'm an adult, I'm mature and I'm through
With that conduct I've left far behind.

Now we see but a glimpse, in a shadowy light,
Of our mirrored reflection -- a trace;
But in time that will change -- just like day versus night --
Then we'll see like we stand face to face.

Now I just know in part -- but then all will be plain,
And I'll know as I've always been known.
Now the trio of faith, hope, and love yet remain,
But the love is the greatest, alone.
Col 3:2

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Free Indeed

Free Indeed

True love has eluded me
I thought it was not to be
Living life like I was free
No responsibility

And so, I let freedom rule
Thinking that it made me cool
But it simply made me cruel
Freedom made me quite the fool

Fools are many among us
There is not one you can trust
Conformity is a must
Emphasis on self a plus

Even so love I pursued
My attempts were sadly crude
Mortal love is often lewd
The ways of flesh do delude

'til by chance or by design
My Creator I did find
No longer were my eyes blind
His son Jesus I enshrined

Jesus now abides in me
Love unequivocally
Jesus changed my destiny
At last I am truly free

God's love I did once ignore
Now my spirit pines for more
I found that which I adore
The true love that I longed for

Saturday, August 1, 2020


Words, they move in a certain way
Neutral they're never, they always convey
Words they build, words they slay
Words give life, words bring death
In death words bring condemnation
Causing wars in many a generation
Spoken in life they are a God-given collection
Used by the power of the Spirits direction
If words convey beauty and are given with pleasure
They are received with love and held as treasure
Words conveying pain are tossed aside
But never before the pain has died
Words which edify and minister God's grace
Make us a burning light in a dark place
Words are not made from what is without
We speak how we live, they come from the heart
Our words must be loving and gentle and kind
Just like our Saviour in whom we abide