Sunday, August 23, 2020


A Song

I’ve a word, yet unheard,
on the tip of my tongue.
Hope to soon add a tune,
for it’s meant to be sung.
Though it’s late, still I wait
for the splinter of time
when a note, what I wrote,
meet in musical rhyme.

Then I sigh, “How can I
form a song to convey?”
Here and now I will bow,
meet the Lord as I pray.
I’ll inquire, He’ll inspire
like He’s done all along.
With a note, what we wrote,
We’ll compose such a song.

Sounding sweet with a beat,
rap-a-tap on the drum.
Chorus sings, hear the strings
and the chords being strum.
Strike the keys, ivories;
play like never before.
Let the sound so resound
that our spirits will sour.

What’s the chance we could dance
when immersed in this song?
Who could say if we sway
our expression is wrong?
Don’t be coy, it’s our joy
breaking free of restraint.
Risen arm, what’s the harm
in a worshiping saint.

A single tear then finds its way along
The corner of my eye and down my face,
For through the words and music of this song
I clearly see my Saviors’ wondrous grace..