Tuesday, August 18, 2020

On the Sea of Bended Knee


On the Sea of Bended Knee

Father, I can hardly wait,
until I see the sea
of every single knee
bowing down to Thee.

The vision is so clear,
as each soul accounts
if, to You they were . . .
rebellious or devout.

Father, I can hear it now,
the hum of every tongue
singing You're the only God
there is no other one.

The sound is so sobering,
as each soul proclaims
what they did or didn’t do
to bring glory to Your name.

Father, I can hardly wait,
for the day when I will see
every soul praising You . . .
on the sea of bended knee!

Romans 14:11-12

"For it is written, As I live,
saith the Lord,
every knee shall bow to me,
and every tongue shall confess to God.

So then every one of us shall
give account of himself to God."

King James Version
Public Domain