Friday, August 14, 2020




There came that day when life was grey,
Christ's light did shine on me.

His blood did cure sin's guilt for sure,
He set this captive free!

When I was lost, and storm waved tossed
His light my path He lit.

For Christ my Lord, sin's gap did ford,
that darken place, sin's pit.

The work He did, sin's guilt He rid,
My Lord, He conquered all.

With mercy eyes, through tears and cries
my helpless state He saw.

For I was dead, a captive led,
this world, its ways and wants.

Yes, trapped was I, He heard my cry,
I'm freed of Satan's taunts.

So He's the one, my freedom won,
His blood my gifted cover.

The work all His, great God who IS!
His love has won me over!