Sunday, August 2, 2020

Free Indeed

Free Indeed

True love has eluded me
I thought it was not to be
Living life like I was free
No responsibility

And so, I let freedom rule
Thinking that it made me cool
But it simply made me cruel
Freedom made me quite the fool

Fools are many among us
There is not one you can trust
Conformity is a must
Emphasis on self a plus

Even so love I pursued
My attempts were sadly crude
Mortal love is often lewd
The ways of flesh do delude

'til by chance or by design
My Creator I did find
No longer were my eyes blind
His son Jesus I enshrined

Jesus now abides in me
Love unequivocally
Jesus changed my destiny
At last I am truly free

God's love I did once ignore
Now my spirit pines for more
I found that which I adore
The true love that I longed for