Monday, June 20, 2016

Thank You, Jesus

Thank You, Jesus

Thank You Jesus,
for giving me ~ my heart's desire.
Thank You for keeping my soul,
for You on constant fire.

Thank You for Your beauty,
the gift of Your grace.
Thank You for keeping me warm,
in Your everlasting embrace.

Thank You for this moment,
when I feel You so very close.
Thank You for always being,
the heartbeat in my prose.

Thank You for answering,
my heart's deepest prayer.
Thank You for showing me . . .
how much ~ for me You care.

Thank You from the top,
and the bottom of my heart.
Thank You so much,
for giving me this new start!
 Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Psalm 18:49
King James Version

"Therefore will I give thanks unto thee,
O Lord, among the heathen, and sing
praises unto thy name."