Wednesday, June 22, 2016

When Things Seem Hard to Bear

When Things Seem Hard to Bear

When things seem hard to bear,
And friends can't really help you;
Remember the three Hebrew children.
In the fire, the Son of God was there, too.

When things seem hard to bear,
And it's difficult for you to pray;
Remember Daniel in the Lion's Den,
Who lived to see another day.

When things seem hard to bear,
And you think, "If only I could";
Remember Joseph, sold by his brothers,
Who rose to power for God's good.

When things seem hard to bear,
And your days are closing in on you;
Remember Peter in prison walls,
Who walked out; he had more to do.

When things seem hard to bear,
And you've lost money and health;
Remember Job and his faith,
Who was given double his wealth.

When things seem hard to bear,
And Satan won't let you be;
Remember Christ and the cross,
Who died to set you free.

When things seem hard to bear,
And no one's there to really care;
Remember God has a listening ear,
Who will hear your every prayer.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless