Friday, June 17, 2016

God Can Be Your Father

God Can Be Your Father

At school a little girl named Jane
Was boasting about her great dad.
"He buys me everything I want.
He's the best dad a girl ever had."

Not to be outdone by her friend,
Emily quickly had her say too.
"Daddy takes me where I want to go.
He let's me do what I want to do."

One girl stood silently listening,
And it seemed on her, they'd call.
Very sadly sighed this little girl,
"You know, I have no dad at all."

Profoundly a little girl named Sue
Voiced an opinion of kindness and love.
"I know who can be your Father.
He is God up in Heaven above."

"The Lord will take me up when
My father and mother forsake me.
Mama read it from the Holy Bible,
So God can be your Father, you see."

On Father's Day, we should be aware
Some children without dads are sad.
There may be something we can do
To help them in place of their dad.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !