Friday, May 16, 2014

In God We Should Trust

In God We Should Trust

The heart and the future no man can see
Yet we give a shot in the dark, and leap
When decisions we made and plans, fall through
We become crestfallen; we nag and weep

The flesh and firmaments restrict our eyes;
Who can unravel what they envelop?
Humans assume, but only Yahweh knows
He apportions a thousand sparrows’ hope

And His eyes can look through the most veiled heart
To discern if it is indeed sincere
Shan't we then seek Him to pick our leader
Or trust ourselves to enthrone the right heir?

Let's our thoughts to the Almighty hand in
Lest we go a false candidate to vote;
Let's our voyage to the Highest commit
Lest we endanger our nation's flag boat

For He will direct our myopic minds
To sift the unworthy with His method
Thus a guaranteed future, blest and bright
Shall be to us that put our trust in God 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !