Monday, May 12, 2014

Breath of Life

Breath of Life

God breathed Adams first breath of life
and then breath to Eve God gave to his wife.
Now God was the image for man he created
his word holds the truth when it is debated.

New breath of life is breathed every day
existing breath come what may.
By God's grace we have life's breath
from our Lord Jesus no sting of death

All breath from this world whether future or past
is given by God until we breath our last.
But hope is not lost for in him we remain
to live is Christ Jesus and to die is gain.
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless
This weekend  , I went to the hospital to see my Aunt  Aquila  Wilson  , I was told  she was  dying . I took her hand ,
and thought I was going to pray for her to recover . When I clasp her hand , I knew she was in the Power of  Spirit of God .
I felt his spirit move upon me . I really don’t how long I stood there , There was Peace and joy , that came  to me . I wish I could explain to you all , but I can’t .. This lady is a pray warrior and has always been . She was supposedly  unconscious . But when I look down , she was smiling at me , Like to say , I know . And then when back to sleep . Her heart is to weak to make her kidney   work . You doctors say that she only has a short time left . You know and I know  ,  It up to Father  GOD ! The only words they {her children] heard her say for three days was Peace!!!