Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Artist

The Artist

Sunrise, vibrant, yellow, red
Shining as the morning breaks
Slowly rising rays of light
Open eyes, and I awake

Browns and greens, trees and grass
Envelope every inch of land
Covered as a velvet coat
Created by the maker's hand

Abundant flowers, opening
Yellow, white, orange, red, pink
on His giant canvas earth
Brush covers with His holy ink

Baby blue palette above
Billowing white puffs, float by
As far as any eye can see
Cascading all across the sky

Reflecting light rays of color
Hills, valleys, plains of grey
Nature exquisite, at its best
Burst through this lovely day

Nations, multicolored skin
Subsisting in the light
Rushing around, things to do
While this day stays bright

Then the circle comes around
Red, orange, an amazing sight
With one more stroke of His brush
The Artist bids us all, "Goodnight"
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !